
Of course it is, and male rape victims are every bit as important as female rape victims. The nice thing is, by ending victim blaming and examining the entitlement of rape culture, we can help all of the victims. We can make it easier for all of them to come forward and for all of them to get helped. A huge issue, in

Exactly! It’s like stalking in movies. “She’ll get how much I love her if I’m just incredibly invasive or persistent.” In reality, that chick would have called the cops.

I imagine you feel the need to state this because you’re committed to believing that you, your friends, and your family would never commit rape. That’s okay. No one wants to think that about themselves or their loved ones. Try to think about it from our perspective though. Living as a woman or someone who could be

Maybe the idea behind it was to invite people to put themselves in the skin of the tribeswomen pictured? Like to encourage empathy in people who wouldn’t otherwise have it? That’s probably being generous, but I’m trying to think of any reason why someone would do the makeup as opposed to posting what are amazing

Post them with facts or go out and take pictures of the actual tribes you’re trying to raise awareness for!

Her economic acheivements are in a state that consistently sits at about the ninth highest poverty rate in the nation. A third of all African-Americans and Latinos in SC live in poverty and over a quarter of all children. It’s also #1 in the country for deadly violence against women with more than twice the national

Don’t forget the first guy he was set up with who straight up wanted to make a name for himself by getting Brendan to take a plea bargain. Coming in after someone’s willfully screwed things up that badly can’t be easy.

What they did to Brendan was monstrous. Working with his public defender too? How do those people sleep at night?

For a little bit of context: The State House is also right next to the USC campus, so parts of it function as a museum and offices. That central downtown area is dominated by the sprawling university, and the university has a few different collections and museums on it, along with the NAC.

Are you talking about the time Hilary Clinton represented an accused rapist as a public defender in 1975? Like the constitutional right we all have, even deplorable rapists? And that she followed the common route, especially in the 1970s and on through today, of attempting to discredit the victim? And then, by the

If you honestly believe this, you aren’t gay or a woman. Which hey, congrats!

I think it was one of Vin Diesel’s movies. It was a stuntman. They delayed release and very strongly debated whether or not they should keep the sequence in, and ultimately it was the man’s widow who asked them to keep the shot in because he would’ve been proud and wanted it that way. They did it as a tribute to him.

It all comes back to the editors. Jia admits that she vetted two of those posts which were mistakes. You can, and should, hold the writers accountable, but they’re not posting in a vacuum. I guess I just don’t see anything challenging about reading some mean girls critique of a poor woman’s pubic hair grooming from a

It’s not unreasonable to expect some kind of cohesion and baseline set of standards. It’s not a matter of expecting all writers to share the same vision of what feminism is, the same viewpoints, or the same style, but if you come together as a unified site, one which does want to express important views and opinions

I think because he takes on really Oscar-baity rolls. Not that they’re not good, and not that he’s not great in them, but he’s in so many movies that scream GIVE ME AN OSCAR, and he’s never won one. Also, it’s just funny.

Who cares? Write in vote for McDaniels all the way.

Statistically speaking, gun nuts and ultra conservative wingbats are the ones most likely to be vocal and takes steps to communicate their beliefs. This is Texas, and it was on Twitter. Considering what writers of Gamergate articles deal with? I’m going with accurate.

You know that just means it’s an issue in the organization, right?

They checked their car for a bomb, and told them not to come back with their turbans on ever again. Not “Sorry about this. Standard procedure. We’ll wand you and this’ll be over in a sec.” Somehow other stadiums have managed to allow Sikh fans without shitting themselves well before this.

Right? Even the MRA assholes who are super ready to scream about false rape reports ruining livelihoods can’t deny simply giving this guy a partner could’ve saved a dozen or more women.