
The hell? An actual awesome science article with the writer’s own words rather than a one sentence paragraph lead-in to a youtube video or a long, blog screed about social issues with a tenuous link to science?

I remain shocked at this sudden dip back into quality and relevance.

Unlike our fantastic system with race quotas and no ‘problematic’ subject matter. It’s not government sanctioned, just ultra-left liberal sanctioned!

What did he say that was untrue?

Well io9 will be happy to know that the Chinese government will ensure that all entries are politically correct and do not engage in negative speech.

Yeah when I was in China and I rubbed my butt all over Mao’s grave people got mad but I was like ‘lol, bro you think I can read this crap?’ and I got let off scot free.

And those Greenpeace morons should have done jail time.

Each of these buffoons basically destroyed something precious and collectively owned by millions of other people. They were all functioning adults with no excuses other than their own idiocy. Six months in the slammer should be the least of it.

It’s easier to make a very short list of museums that DO want you to touch things. Anywhere.

When I was traveling all through CHina I don’t think I ever came across a museum that said ‘go ahead and paw this ancient tapestry. It’s cool’.

You might want to amend some of this. . .

Way to victim blame.

Destroying this.
Defacing the Colosseum, ancient Egyptian tombs, knocking over million year rock formations, carving up ancient trees, throwing things at zoo animals.

You know the Saudis might just have the right idea with hand amputation. . .

If you are handing out reparations, I’ll take some.

My ancestors were enslaved by the Romans, but I’m still descended from slaves.

Who is the North and who is the South?

Who stands in for Lincoln? Lee? Grant?

Talk about grasping at straws. You know why they chose ‘Civil War’? Because everyone immediately associates it with a once unified front fracturing into terrible, bloody, passionate conflict.

You know what else is an example of ‘brother

I would agree with you if it wasn’t comic books.

Oh a comic book killed so and so? Great. Know who died last time during Civil War? Steve Rogers himself. He got better.

Just like Superman, Batman, Cyclops, Phoenix, Magneto, Professor X, Flash, Bucky, Aunt May, Gwen, Spiderman, a. .. .

You know what, to save time let’s

So now we’re in the movie prologue where they’re foreshadowing the inevitable but reassuring the audience that there’s an ‘off’ switch?

So in about an hour some old general is going to whisper ‘My God. It’s figured out how to turn off the off switch!’ before being vaporized by a thirty story warbot.

Thanks google.

With his hair he would be a very pretty princess. In his mind.

Also, what do you think is the over/under on whether or not Trump secretly wears women’s panties? In that picture up there I’m thinking. . . lacy thong with little jangly bells on the front.

I always thought that editing out all the humans in Transformers 3 would have resulted in a very watchable sci-fi action movie.

I want some editor to go through TMNT and edit out all the annoying human scenes.

I must admit. . . with Bepop, Rocksteady and Krang I think I’m going to have to see this one.

reach, reach reach reach.

It also once mentioned that Harry had an ‘arm’ but did not say if he did or did not actually have FOUR arms. So how can we possibly know otherwise?

Way to miss his point.

He was pointing out how people like you gush about casting a POC, but don’t mind if other roles are cast to supposed type.

Just because Ron Weasely had red hair doesn’t mean he wasn’t an Asian who just dyed his hair, right?

Just because HP is set in England doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have

Great another Casey Chan ‘article’ with one paragraph and a link to someone else’s work. . .

Oh, it’s just Katharine.

Times like these I get kind of glad thinking about Gawker going out of business. You jobless helps ease the pain, Katharine.

Meanwhile Full Metal Alchemist taking an all-European cast and making them Japanese is fine, right?

A victory for minorities (because European actors are certainly over-represented in Japanese cinema).