
No, that doesn’t fit the narrative. You’re a privileged cisgender white man with all this, like, patriarchy and you hate women! Sorry, womyn.

You only disagree with good natured Gawker journalists because you’re so very intolerant and you’ve lead such a comfortable life. You just don’t understand what it’s like being

So the overabundance of white men at the top of the ‘sport’ (sure fine) is a problem? Gotcha. Not enough diversity.

Let me just watch this NBA game. . . hmmmm.

Well that’s different of course.

Let me just watch this Olympic sprint. . .hmmm.

Well, that’s different of course.

Please. If you’re going to bitch about ‘you

WEll apparently MSNBC is a bastion of racists since they had/have a show with a black woman, a lesbian, a gay guy, a fat guy.

But we all know they could have an all female lineup of post-op transexual, pan sexual, nonbinary proud, beautiful women of color and Jezebel would still find something ‘problematic’.

She already full-Mcintoshed it when she said Darth Vader was racist. Because he was black (the armor) and voiced by a black man (actually a mixed race man, but whatever).

But then he’s actually white under the armor, which should have been kinda obvious since he was very white Luke’s father (uh, duh). So racist.


This group is laughable and their stance of ‘I’m offended so this should be banned’ is laughable, too.

As equally laughable as the SJW who parrot the exact same taking points about things being ‘problematic’ and ‘(insert) culture’ happening.

The flip side of the liberals is worthy of being mocked for wanting a

He said ‘half the year’, not the whole year.

Come on microwave! 30 seconds, but I want my food NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW

I agree with you about Trump, but Kesha has to prove this, same as any accusation. I know rape and coercion are very hard to prove, but the alternative is not a road we want to go down.

Just based on an accusation, she can’t break a contract. What if it wasn’t rape? What if she accused him of defrauding her? She would

Guys, no one should encourage this. Gundam obesity is a real problem.

I don’t even really want to play this game, but all the great things I’m hearing about the care of its development and the developers themselves makes me want to buy it just to support them.

We gotta take care of the passionate indie makers, guys, or they’ll all get swallowed up by EA and life as a gamer will be

“What’s a terrible PR decision mean? ”
-Internal memo at 49ers head office.

Thanks, I was wondering, too. I can do Starcraft, Age of Empires, and the new and old X Com with the best of them (them laymen that is), but Homeworld never set right with me.

I guess I either need renewable resources or turn-based.

Yep, support the devs you love and, as always, fuck EA and Ubisoft.

If my penis had a growth like that on its head I would consult a physician right away. Probably have to think about amputation.

Psssh, You know if cavemen could do this some would have.

Just like teenagers aren’t actually getting more narcissistic, the technology is just revealing more of their narcissism. Digital media and supposed anonymity are making people who were closet perverts into slightly more public ones.

Shame them and move along.

A certain subgroup? Is this Voldemort or can the name not be said. Jesus. What are you talking about? Gamergate? I guess?

Not everyone lives and breathes online video game arguing, stop being friggin’ coy about it.

I know this doesn’t really need to be said, but TB seems like a genuinely pretty decent person (he tries to be fair in his critics, evenhanded in his arguing, and does plenty of charity work) and he gets inoperable cancer.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump: still alive and healthy.

This world, man.

Nothing like the New York stick thin Jezebel girls telling everyone how great it is to be ‘normal’ (re: seven sizes bigger than they are).

Kind of like Beyonce and that ‘Single Ladies’ song or Eminem rapping about how tough his life is right now. Yeah. . .

Segregate the internet? That can only lead to good things. Is Worldstar for black expression and Stormfront is for white expression?

Ah the appropriation card. I remember when African Americans appropriated flyting and called it ‘rap’. Then they stole rap battles.

Still waiting for an apology to White, European poets. Thanks.