
And he'll do such a poor job of it that the other White Walkers will kill Jon Nite, even if they all die with him.

I loved Godzilla and the less popular but still enthralling, Rodan.

The OP was noting that the White Walkers were all male. The wights are dead who were turned by the White Walkers. They're disposable.

He's a blacksmith. Weaponry, man, weaponry.

Thank you for my first laugh of the day.

They might just borrow his golden hand.

Even Liz Lemon wouldn't date her third cousin.

Hot Pie is not how you spell Gendry.

And his direwolf is named Ghost. I guess that should have been a clue. Jon Snow, what a bastard.

Considering I was 12 when I picked up a copy of The October Country, I'd say I've since learned a lot of things.

When Bradbury made that comment on Politically Incorrect, I have to admit that, at that moment, Bradbury fell off the pedestal I'd placed him on so, so many years before.

Say what you will about SJ Clarkson's direction of this episode, but she also directed the first two eps of Jessica Jones. Budget can dictate/limit directorial options so this episode may not accurately reflect her abilities.

But when he broke his glasses, I laughed and laughed.

Is there a possibility that Daenerys is a living fire wight (or something akin to one)? It might be an oxymoron, but what if that's possible? What if, like Beric's sword, she could set herself on fire as a way to kill those north-of-the-wall devils?

Red-headed Letterman announcer Alan Kalter is a Hollywood director and exec producer? I had no idea.

So glad my little observation set you off this much. You've made my day.

I thought I saw someone behind the main group and assumed they were bringing something with them, cage, food, etc.

After the big battle with the living dead, I've got a feeling there won't be a Wall for the Night's Watch to defend, maybe making the oath null and void.

I enjoyed the episode, but shows painting women as defective for not wanting a child is so worn out. At least they couldn't have one of the sestras try to comfort her by saying she will want her own little bundle of joy when she meets the right guy.

Yes, this.