Michael Anson

You can determine the subculture someone belongs to by their speech, that is carried through by the cadence, word choice, and other similar markers. If you paid attention enough, you could even pinpoint which part of certain cities people come from by how they talk. You may not personally be processing this

It does. It also gives people the power to take that power away from the shitty people by limiting the ways in which they can be shitty, instead of just dealing with their shittiness. Which then makes it so everybody else can actually enjoy themselves without having to wade through the shit.

Yeah, you never made an argument. You made an assertion and failed to back it up with, well, anything. Probably because your superiority complex is so fragile you can’t take a simple challenge to it, which is a shame.

Yup, you have no idea how accessibility works. Slightly wider doors and hallways for wheelchairs have no inconvenience for anybody else using those doors and hallways. Adding Braille to signs for blind folks has inconvenienced you not at all. Chirps at crosswalks? Bad for nobody. But it’s pretty clear that you don’t

You know, it’s actually possible to make things accessible for a wide variety of people without inconveniencing anybody! A shocking thought, to be sure, but I suppose that all the different design decisions to make things accessible to you in particular are so invisible at this point that you don’t even notice them,

It’s not a matter of “better calls/advice.” Imagine a game of pickup basketball, where one team is able to shout and communicate, and the other isn’t. You’d expect one team to work better, right? Now, imagine that both teams have the same method of communication. Say it’s holding up colored cards that mean the same

They sound culturally white, with specific speech patterns, slang terms, and attitudes that are different from those from various African-American, Latino, Asian, or other subcultures. Specifically primarily from North America, especially from most regions of the US. They don’t have a particularly feminine voice if

Or, alternatively, people need to grow the fuck up and stop harassing others. Or have their toys taken away when they do.

Yeah, I think the replies you’ve received from elunty and LazyBookWyrm pretty much sum it up. Shitting on someone just for being who they are.

So your plan is to systematically exclude people because it’s inconvenient for a select group of players to allow them to play?

Having recently re-read the book, I feel the need to comment here.

The same people the cartoons of the 2000s, 80s, 60s, and 40s were for: people with children, and those who are fans of the series.

That’s an interesting perspective, given that a lot of the character models and personalities are based off of the much older versions of the characters.

Backstory is fun, as it helps explain how your character became who they are and gives the GM ammunition for character hooks. Mechanics can be fun and useful. But what matters the most at the table is who your character is. Their personality, their quirks, the things that bring them to life.

It's the curse of IT writ large. Don't do your job, you're slacking, so cut funding. Do your job, clearly you're being overpaid because nothing goes wrong, so cut funding. Any disaster prevention suffers the same fate.

Uh, given how fast Woot sells out, is posting articles about their sales really helpful?

Uh, given how fast Woot sells out, is posting articles about their sales really helpful?

Sadly, they are not genre movies.

It’s only movies currently showing in participating theaters, so movies that are literally unavailable any other way, especially with theaters currently being closed.

These are movies that are in theaters, not for home release. So, not available for subscriptions or VOD. Hence the scheduled times, it’s the theaters streaming the videos at their regular showtimes.

Same. At least I saved you a bit of time.