it’s no “sin” as I enjoyed that game and still find it fun to play today.
it’s no “sin” as I enjoyed that game and still find it fun to play today.
i’m a 2-D Sonic fan too and Mania was fine as a one off, but I don’t want that to be what ALL future Sonic games are like, besides wouldn’t Mania feel less special if EVERY Sonic game in the future was like it? That’s why I fell off with Mario, the 2-D games were fine enough but they felt so similar after a while that…
I think Sonic’s 3-D games have been pretty damn good mostly.
meh I REALLY don’t think that’s a good idea personally.
Uh because not EVERYONE who’s a fan wants nothing but 2-D Sonic games for the rest of their lives? Frankly I found Mania overrated and not that amazing, it was enjoyable but I felt like it didn’t need a sequel, I for one am pumped as hell for Frontiers and the haters can eat my ass.
I unironically liked Sonic 06, hell that game was the main reason I bought a 360, no joke.
nah you crazy, this looks dope and not “devoid of personality” at all.
nah Sonic games have been pretty good and not kneecapped at all.
Frontiers looks pretty damn good to me.
does not look rushed to me at all.
Eh I found Mania decent but overrated, frankly I enjoyed the 3-D Sonics more, and being a fan of a franchise does not automatically mean what you produce for said franchise will be any good(as we saw with Kevin Smith’s pretty lousy Batman comics like Widening Gyre).
I for one thought the Adventure games felt like Sonic games to me and I honestly found Mania kinda overrated.
bullcrap, this does not look like a rip-off at all, quite frankly it looks far better then BOTW to me(which I frankly I found immensely overrated, i’m with Jim Sterling on that game)
Dragon Age 2's rushed development was painfully obvious and the gameplay and story were quite dull IMO.
Nah you’re dead wrong about Dying Light 2, all of it was plenty interesting. That being said this game looks little more then a slightly better version of No Man’s Lie.
Andromeda was awesome, screw the haters.
could’ve been worse, they could’ve not tried to de-escalate at all.
why would the cops break them up then?
it’s still effective.
unhelpful my ass, are you saying abortion shouldn’t be focused on because being a mother is harder for black woman in general? that makes zero sense.
D.L. had every right to be pissed, Mo’Nique does not give a rat’s about what his daughter went through, she was only using her sexual trauma to try and “win” an argument which was absolutely despicable, I first knew something was off with her when she was performing at a comedy event and she took issue with Paul…