I don’t think the conversation should ever be shifted away from the topic of police brutality and racism
I don’t think the conversation should ever be shifted away from the topic of police brutality and racism
Simple answer: because when it gets brought up in these contexts it’s derailing the discussion from cop on civilian crime to civilian on civilian crime.
ah this old canard...every time....like clockwork. Some concern troll wades into a thread about black people being executed by law enforcement with this. If your post is genuine, you have some soul searching to do about your understanding of the 2 completely different problems and your lack of understanding about…
I don’t see why it should be included in this discussion. Since it’s a whole different subject. You know, outside of this discussion. You only hear about black-on-black crime when it’s used as a way to dilute the discussion about police violence. Other than that nobody seems to give a fuck.
Black people talk about crime within their own communities constantly. You don’t hear about it because it’s a problem that doesn’t effect or involve you, and that you only care about when you need a false equivalency to shutdown discussions about police brutality and racism.
Nothing in the world is hotter than Jason Momoa. Nothing. Not even ghost peppers.
I recently discovered that most of my friends have no idea who Jason Momoa is. This was akin to them telling me they believe the earth is flat. All I could do was sputter and stare at them. And then show them a google image search, so they would no longer have to suffer in ignorance.
“Zaddy” sounds like slang from the early 20th century. “Zooks, Zaddy, it’s 23-skidoo for us and your zoot suit!”
My father would be proud of the greyfit that Justin Theroux is rocking.
Over the last 5 years, Bill has slowly dropped the enlightened cynic act and showed his true colors. He frequently says offensive things disguised as edgy comedy or entertaining and informed discourse. His show is now unwatchable for me.
I’m an old woman, which means that I’m an automatic and easy target of both ridicule and indifference. I have wrinkles and cellulite and blue veins on my legs. My hair is wispy and whiter than white. I have long since aged out of desirability and into the category of a creepy old joke.
No. Just, no. She’s not being smacked down because she’s a “pretty white girl.” No one here is “jealous.” She’s being smacked down because she was being an abusive piece of shit who violated the privacy of an old woman and got caught. This was no “momentary lapse in judgement.” This was being an entitled asshole with…
This isn’t compassion; it’s an excuse. I know it FEELS like compassion, but your underlying assumption seems to be that people from abusive backgrounds are too broken to function properly as adults. Speaking as someone from a quite abusive background, with many friends and acquaintances from varying levels of abusive…
I am a black man raised by my white biological mother. My father was an abusive cheating bastsrd who, at one point, broke my mother’s thumb.
Rephrased to be gender neutral:
I’m a Republican. This is beyond party politics. This is a risk to our very foundation of a country, no matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on.
Good on you!
Good for you! Sincerely.
Saying a woman or girl has “daddy issues” is fucking wretched. If she has daddy issues, shouldn’t the hate be directed at, you know, her god damned father? How is his disgusting and damaging fuckery her fault?
Is being a parent not integral to your identity?