The real crime is writing 2 instead of to.
The real crime is writing 2 instead of to.
Am I oversensitive? Does anyone else think this tradition is a little fucked up?
Died so young... He had two more years to live.
Read first comment. So yeah not directed at you specifically sorry. Also thanks for giving me the out, especially coming from someone who writes ‘bellow’ instead of ‘below’ and has at most a rudimentary understanding of punctuation.
Hard to read these reviews and not get emotional. I really disagree with most of what people are saying. Following may be a little spoilery:
This is infuriating to read for me. The prequels hardly should be called films. To say that TFA was below Revenge is absurd. Did you even watch the last saber battle in Revenge? It was 20 hours long and ridiculous. THEY SURFED ON LAVA. What the fuck are you even talking about?
Why would he post a picture of a past due bill?
What is the controversial part? The fact that the announcer said it was controversial? Clearly offside.
Agreed. Clearly offside and affecting play.
Why did you hate It Follows, out of curiosity?
Every time I see something about this guy I feel bad because I think to myself, “Am I the only person in the world that thinks this guy is an obnoxious idiot?” Am I crazy? Please help me.
A lot of people are disagreeing with this but when I was a wee boy and sat for HOURS in those boring ass referee classes (only to side-ref like two games), I was taught that the player cannot be in an offside position and use it advantageously no matter what the circumstance. Take this Messi goal for example (starts…
Like he passed out from jabbing? Or he feinted?
No, Barman... as in Barman and Bailey.
Why can’t people understand that the monster’s name is not Frankenstein. Frankenstein is the doctor. Dumb bitch.
Am I the only one that feels like it was a miracle they even made it to the final game? And that was basically all because of Messi. I may be wrong but Argentina as a whole seems to be extremely average but Messi may be the greatest player ever.
That was the first thing I thought of as well.
Did anyone else notice the kid hump-dancing?
Ahhh, the Europe of South America.