I didn't read the article and just watched the video. When he lifted his arms in triumph at the end I almost shat myself.
I didn't read the article and just watched the video. When he lifted his arms in triumph at the end I almost shat myself.
@Biokinetica: Yea, maybe that was it. I dunno, it's definitely been a few years.
This has bad news written all over it. Someones gonna import NFL Blitz plays in and its all gonna go to hell.
What if one person went down and showed them a few marvels of technology: telephones, aspirin and video. This man would be able to conjure up ghostly images, speak to the dead and cure the ill. Then he left, and the tribe continued to develop and expand, writing legends about him and telling his story. They eventually…
Steel Insider link at bottom has open "a href" tag.
Rhapsody blue "likes" box has a open tag.
If a person takes a super high resolution of a city center to use for an art project and I happen to be in the picture, I don't care. This is the same thing to me, accept it's better because they don't know where I live or what I look like.
@rock99rock: Whats so freaky about spokeo?
Gmail "undo" button. Enable it in Labs. Saved my ass more than once.
@qcom: I'm sure its possible in one form or another, but I don't see widespread use of that until a few more "ecosystems" come out, such as Blackberry + Playbook, Honeycomb Tablet + AndroidSuperPhone, or "PalmPad" + "Pre 3.0(?)".
@hspace: Oh yea, all for the multifunction (slim) cases, slim of course being the key word. I imagine they could embed a "soft" touchpad in that case as well for people that would like optional ways of navigating.
@Greg Krynen: But then I have to carry the keyboard around. The consumer tablet form factor embodies a all-in-one form factor, and when you have to help a gimped device with peripherals to allow it to perform at its full potential, you do a disservice to your customers and the design.
@Totenglocke42: Whew, expensive! ThinkGeek is always sending me coupons and offers though, so I might be able to rationalize it at some point. Thanks for the link!
@Jangoforhire: But I might rather type on a cushioning arm rest of a couch, soft wood desk or a magazine then the glass of my tablet while also smudging the screen and blocking half of the real estate.
@DavidWizard: Psh, every tech blog is like that. Its a brilliant formula: Attention grabbing headlines,a few quips, omit one key fact, and vague details all around.
lol @ pod slurping
Shit, I'll get a mouse that says "Fuck Graphic Artists" and use it to search istock or hire out via freelancer. Pretentious bastards.
@WFROSE: I'm an Amurican goodamnit.