
Except with delicious cheese powder.

@WFROSE: I would teach them how to grow corn and use an iPhone.

Fact: African-Americans and Latinos make up the majority demographic for prepaid phones.

Embed some speakers in there and we gots a deal.

@ItsMeMasih: I agree with all of that besides the Digg remark. Digg has really gone downhill and last time I checked the site, it was cats, xbox360 and fanboy haters.

I wish I had the money to fly over there and fulfill all their needs, redeeming white people everywhere.

@cinnamonster: I would kill to be able to upgrade my ram and cpu in my gadgets, add another few years of life to them.

@vinod1978: Image that instead a drop down menu at the top of an application all you had to do is press the settings button. More screen real estate is key on small-screen devices. When I browse sites on my netbook I do it completely in fullscreen mode and use keyboard shortcuts to take care of basic navigation. If

@djdare: I just gave myself a Guinness mustache. Top notch.

How to design a tablet:

@Ignition: 1987 was the fortieth anniversary of the invention of the microwave.

@johnnyabnormal: I've had that exact experience! What the hell is bagel dough made out of?

I always thought it would be zombies.

I bet he couldn't tell you what Intel makes.

Now playing

@MasterxAce: lol, it's been a trend lately...women jumps off building, uses for rubberbands (????), darwin-award remote story, taco bell meat...