
@kquach6: Buy and older XJR. Plenty of room in the backseat for you and some just-turned-18 ladies!

@Rock517: You pretty much wanna do that with any car least ones in my budget.

When are they just going to release the exact same cars, as they used to look, but made with modern tech and aluminum thingies?

@VeeArrrSix: Turbo ftw. Parts are cheaper than a VR6's anyway. Know how much it costs to replace a throttle body, or pretty much anything on a 6?

@paintandswim09: It'll sure as shit be cheaper to fix the chevelle, and depending on how much you pay, it will be more likely to appreciate in value.

Hell, I just want a turbo miata. But I won't fit in one because I'm 6'4". Any suggestions for an alternate?

@west-coaster: I've been commenting forever, but am too much of a noob to promote. So....yay to you, for voicing all of our feelings so concisely, yet with such wit.

@Turboner: damn right. I say buy a used Z06 for less than either of these cars, then spend a little extra to make it more insane.

Don't buy a minivan?

I'm diggin the Alpina wheels.

@fratto: I think it's a damn good looking car, except for the rear end. That seems to be one of the most difficult things to do right on a car. The rest of the car has these wonderful, sculptural lines, and the rear end is too complex, particularly with the four, deeply sunken tail lights.

@Turboner: The only place I take my car is to Double J, but to be fair, I'm pretty poor and maintenance and parts on VW's and Audi's are horrendous. I'm currently saving up $350 for a throttle body on my jetta. A throttle body that should cost $120 bucks max, and this will be the second time I've replaced it in 4

@MaWeiTao: Regardless of whether or not they are jaywalking and/or an asshole, you ARE REQUIRED to stop for pedestrians in the roadway. At least in Oregon and California. You may wanna teach someone a lesson or something, but be careful where you point that asshole accusation. You just wound up looking like one.

Any minivan. If the person is actually considering one of those, though, they're likely beyond the point of saving.

There's not an app for that?