
I love the juxtaposition of the "Miss Elegance" sash with the drool running down her chin. Omg adorbz.

Just dropping by to leave this.

Clearly these researchers don't know many grad students....

If you want to be abstinent until you're married, that's totally cool. Wanna blog about it? Awesome! That's great too; rock on. But he simultaneously puts down the people who criticized his decision and basically says that anyone who doesn't do what he did is a godless heathen whore. If you need to put people

God, this guy sucks so hard. And he's super defensive about it. "People said it was because I couldn't get laid, but I married a 10!"

Yeah, I've had therapy as well. I'd always brush his behavior off as being normal, but my friends and mom thought hews throwing up major red flags. But now I realize he has his own issues to sort out.

My ex was very noncommittal. We ended up breaking up because I "don't know what [I'm] doing with [my] life." but I was only 22 so that was a ridiculous reason.

Only $3??!?!?! That's awesome! Even the generic drugstore brands are like...2 for $12.

I will die. They must do this.

Let's just start with "grow a brain" for now.

Awards of attorney's fees is extremely rare in divorce/custody cases. My guess is that the judge found him acting in bad faith, or that he was filing unnecessary motions. If I were a betting woman I'd say your cousin is keeping something from you.

We're often on the same page, girl!

I never said that all men are "drooling oafs" watching porn. What I am saying is that porn skews mens views of women— especially when they start watching porn at age 12. You don't have to grope women on the street to harbor disdain for women.

I absolutely dispute that. I have first hand experience of the process because I've worked in it, and my firm has represented both sides. In fact, most custody disputes are settle out of court, and the parties mutually come to an agreement on their own. Less than 4% are settled in the courts.

They already DO have equal standing. Men typically do not ask for joint custody. Joint custody isn't given if the man isn't interested in it, or if he has a history of abusing his wife/kids.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Precisely. But unfortunately when you say that, people accuse you of implying she deserves the harassment and is subhuman. NO, that's not what I'm saying. I don't think she should be harassed and I think the people who have harassed her are assholes, but I also don't believe her career does much of a service for

No, I don't think they don't deserve respect, but I think they participate in and profit from an industry that thrives on objectifying women.

Exactly. Stoya even says "Don't have sex with jerks. Don't blow them, don't give them a handjob, don't give them your phone number."'s okay to get naked for them on camera so they can masturbate by objectifying you?

Fucking thank you. Now, I grew up rather privileged, but the difference between Ann Romney and I is that I RECOGNIZE that life dealt me an amazing hand, and that most other people aren't afforded the same opportunities as I am. And that is why I'm a liberal. I hate how she tries to frame it as "Oh, but we had to