
Replying to approve.

Ha, I love you.

Because women are supposed to exist only to please men. Dontcha know.

Uh, sexual harassment much? Call yourself a lawyer, girl.

This is fucking disgusting. Fuck Larry Flynt and his woman-hating magazine.

I asked Siri where I can buy cocaine and she sent me to Narcotics Anonymous! So she's cool with kidnapping childrens, but not cool with the nose candy. Hmph.

That scene nauseated me. Most of them truly do not get it. It goes to show you how the average john views women. They were full of contempt and hatred.

My Pilates instructor always plays Adele during class. I think she has a good voice, but it's not exactly the best music to work out to, if you ask me.

Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids' worldview.

Yeah, my dogs definitely understand words. I'll say, "go get your bone" and one of them will bring me the stuffed orange bone. Or I'll mention "food" or "walk" or "car" or "cookie" and everyone will get excited and jump around


Aaaand that's why I'm happy I hearted you a long time ago.

She looks beautiful!

A girl at my office has her nails done like this. I do not understand it and it looks absolutely awful and cheap/tacky. I cringe when I walk by and she's clacking away at her computer.

Yeah, the Madonna thing is a little questionable.

Echoing what others have said, it's easier to adopt a child of color than a white baby. My aunt and uncle were on waiting lists for years before they were able to adopt their (white) son.

It said he bit off a chunk of his tongue.

Thank you.

Many of them honestly think that women who are 7+ months pregnant wake up one morning and decide on a whim to waltz into Planned Parenthood for a late term abortion. For funsies.

There's a boy I may be interested in and he's EXTREMELY gorgeous, like it's kind of unfair. I just need to tell someone :p