
I’ve honestly tried to figure out why, at some points, I’m ALL FOR Raf. I kept coming up empty handed. Being balls-to-the-wall honest it’s his hotness, because I only like him better when he’s in the scene, and most of that time I’m still yelling at him in my head.
Fight as I might, hotness plays a part. I’m only

That’s because it’s a very over the top show that goes deep for the over the top telenovela plot lines, but also has a lot of heart and some really grounded moments. It’s really tops. I decided one friday night to give it a shot before bed, and I ended up awake until 5am watching’s compelling and

Ok, someone explain to me why Raf is apparently a fan favorite? I was all about Michael, and continue to be so, for the following reasons: 1. His response to her pregnancy was honest, like you would expect someone to respond when handed a crazy situation that they do not want. 2. He loves Jane unconditionally

Kill Michael?! wtf, NO.