
You did see the suicide prevention hotline number at the end of the article, right?

If you love what the postal service has done for snail mail, you’re going to love how they fuck up your money!

Ok. Now you’re indicating that only alt right people use the expression manufactured outrage. That’s truly funny. This is an automotive blog. We care about competition at the manufacturer level, between teams, and between drivers. We care about the debate between NA, turbocharged, or supercharged. We care about

I read Jezebel you fucking pompous asshole. I am familiar with that audience because I am part of that audience. I am also part of this audience. Therefore I stand by two of my comments steadfastly. First, you are dumb. Second, this article would have done MUCH better on Jezebel because that audience tends to care

I will do no such thing. You are a smart person; not a bad one.

II like the part where you conveniently left out how Univision saved all of your jobs after the bag of dicks at Gawker thought it’d be near to publish a public person’s private sex life, got sued, lost lawsuit, declared bankruptcy, and was sold off to pay for Gawker’s $60m act of dickery.

I would gladly have responded to your points had you made a valid one. So in deep reflection time, I went back to your previous comment too review it for any salient points I may have missed TWO WEEKS AGO. You do realize that witty comebacks should also be timely, right? Here is what I missed.

Looks like a technical evolution to what Vermeer used. Watch Chasing Vermeer if you want to see what I'm talking about. I think it's still on Netflix.

Pimento cheese is everything and should be worshipped.

So girls don't need to wash their hands because they don't have dicks? Or are you saying that only men can be disgusting? Asking for a friend.

Wow. An homage to Steven Crowder on a former Gawker property. Really didn't see that one coming. Your friends over at the root are going to flip their shit.

because unionization has been so helpful for the former gawkerites. Let’s look at the descent into hell.

That’s great advice. You should take it rather than give it. First, my comments had absolutely zero to do with race. Second you assume (there’s a handy trope for that too) that in against affirmative action. You know there is a huge hot air balloon festival in new mexico every year. You'd be kick ass there. Here? Not

Had to double check my spice rack. Nope. None of those flavorings. Maybe it’s a local thing where you are.

You could have a peanut allergy. Chic fil A uses peanut oil in their deep fryers. If you do have an allergy, be very careful. Peanuts sneak their way into a lot of different foods.

Watch the After Prison Show on YouTube. Get lots of info on prison food and cooking in prison.

Your wife gets nostalgia about prison food? I think there may be a bit more to this story.

Mr. Tracy? Is that you?

Aren’t newer pipelines also safer than the old ones?

Well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine. My comment was a play on the old “if you have to explain the joke it isn’t funny”. You see, many of those who refer to themselves as “Jalops” love diversity. Give us as many competing logos as possible. We could give two shits about what you have in your trousers or with whom