
As a fan, I whole heartedly approve.

A racecar need made of the skin of missing women.

Works great unless you work somewhere that strictly forbids the use of unauthorized USB devices.

Rapid disassembly

Rocket surgery, dammit. Rocket surrrrgerrrry.

If you think every top secret mission flown by the shuttle has been declassified you are sadly mistaken. Some things may never see the light of day.

OK. This is RICH. Lambasting white women as a group because a majority of white women don’t vote they way YOU think they should. Let’s take a moment and think about who YOU are in their eyes before trying to convince them they’re wrong from YOUR perspective.

Aww. It took jay five minutes to read the article and nearly A MONTH to get butthurt by a comment posted online. Truly. You do have larger problems than the three neurons you lost. How’s that last one hanging in there? We’re all rooting for you, bro.

I approve of this comment!

Excellent point. Short of a rigorous scientific test of materials, any testing would not be objective. Do what makes you happy with your choices on this one. If you are concerned about interference, you’re likely to experience less of a let down with polyester than with burlap.

Tell that to Martin Shkreli.

Pretty much any thin synthetic fabric should work. Natural fibers absorb much more sound than synthetics. Just keep the fabric thin and you shouldn’t notice too much interference from the fabric. Finally a good use for polyester.

I bet sales taxes hurt poor people more than cash bail does. Somehow, here in California, every time the teacher’s union wants more money they propose funding it with sales taxes and the state legislature lines right up behind it while teacher’s stand on street corners with signs that say “Honk for the children” and

Thank you. Thank you. Thank YOU, Mr. Michael Harriot. This article was a straight up beat down of all these racist pricks. These “Beckys” better not come crying with their “wypipo” tears either cause they aren’t getting any sympathy from me . . . . . Oh shit. Wait.

As an American, I understand socialism as Karl Marx intended it. Socialism is a transitional period between capitalism and communism. He viewed socialism as a means to an end with that ultimate end being communism. Communist regimes have murdered more of their own people than Hitler murdered Jews. Is that really the

Hmmmm as a Canadian, you would be a fellow NORTH American, but not ”my fellow American” since you’re Canadian and not American. That being said, Bernie was a horrible candidate, and he’ll be a horrible candidate again if he runs in 2020.

Kids do need both parents in their lives. Sadly, they don’t always get what they need for a multitude of reasons. A family with two parents in the same household is more likely to be financially secure. A financially secure family is more likely to be healthy physically and psychologically. That being said, people

Monsters. All of you are monsters just casually discussing the proper way to hang toilet paper. All toilet paper ever did was take your crap and THIS is the thanks it gets. A discussion about the proper way to hang it.

My point is simple, but you missed it completely. I’ll try to simplify it further, but you’ll probably miss that too. I am clearly not in support of sleazeball behavior. I am also not in support of Leigh’s reductionist, although catchy, math to determine who is a likely sleazeball simply based on age. You *could* also

Leigh is the reductionist here. She reduced it to a mathematic formula that is supposed to determine if a man is a sleaze ball or not based purely on age. The formula is overly simplistic and vague. Here’s my idea. Before your lecherous old ass makes a pass at a young pretty girl, make sure you’d be ok with someone