
Breitbart uses Disqus. So does CNN, Media Matters, Mother Jones, NPR News, Politico, and Yale Daily News. Max is EVERYWHERE!!!!!! Run. Hide. Cower.

I love reading people say that they want to get rid of CPFF contracts. It tells me that they likely have never worked in an acquisition position yet they feel smart today.

Dope and bad credit aren’t the only reasons people fail the background checks. If Reality Winner can get a TS, nearly anyone can. You want a job that requires a clearance? Get your shit together and lay of the dope.

Citation. Chevy Citation

Which brings us to this:

This technique is not recommended for windshields, light bulbs, or gauge clusters.

....don’t go for the low hanging froot. FIFY

My wife drives a beige Camry. Never saw it coming.

It isnt his money that puts her off. Just look at her. She is loving every minute of that exchange.

. . . Because one act is an inconvenience while the other may be considered assault. I’d prefer to keep the assault charges to a minimum (preferably zero).

I think the “tall tax” she may have referred to is the act of paying extra to sit on an exit row or behind a bulkhead or on any other row that has more legroom than an ordinary row. If you aren’t charging extra for the lap belt extender for the morbidly obese passenger you shouldn’t be charging a really tall person

Isn’t it also a bit racist to call out white bi people? Why not all big people who offend? Who died and made you the new queer god, judge, jury, and executioner?

While I get the safety intent here, but the reality is that you’d see trucks getting hung up on railroad crossings. Without changing hundreds of thousands of railroad crossings all across the continent this will not work well for working trucks. It’d likely work well at saving lives if the ambulance could find a fast

The day my mom made me look like a total amateur at wrenching is known as any random Tuesday to most people.

Sometimes the truth is ugly. That doesn’t mean we should sweep it under the rug. If the digital sucks; it sucks and someone should probably say so. Oh wait. Someone DID say something. Goes by the name of Donald J Trump.

They coulda/shoulda learned that from a hat. The one possible exception to this rule is “Hammer Pants” - U Can’t Touch This.

The first car I bought was a 1984 Dodge Daytona Turbo. It was quick and handled curves like nothing I’d ever driven. I still look for another one from time to time.

The lens is a

At one point in my career I was a Certified Fraud Examiner. This story echoes nearly every fraud story I have ever read. There is no common motivation to commit fraud, but generally speaking men do it for lifestyle reasons (as Terrance did) and women do it for love (sick kid needing treatment, high maintenance