
This is some pretty strong evidence that the “Always On” requirement is nothing more than DRM, and any previous statements that it was needed because “there’s a lot of stuff going on in the background” (iirc that was given as a reason) was total bullshit.

My experience with it was that the difficulty spikes came only from side missions that were drastically easier when you came back to them later with better powers and weapons. There’s maybe something to be said about game design and not putting those crazy hard missions too early in the game for the player to

For me the game feels entirely made for creators, and since I’m not particularly creative that turns me off a lot. It somehow feels like I’d be missing out by buying it to “only” play others’ creations. I suspect there’s a lot of people who feel this way even if it’s not really true at all.

This line in article the implies you had to shake the wiimote in the original. It was an option, but one could also just shake the nunchuk, which wasn’t at all an issue and maybe even more intuitive than pressing a button.

Kotaku has started having terrible headlines (and content) since all the good and disciplined editors left. Now it is just children trying to come up with the most edgey take.

Is there information on how much data a typical kotaku page uses? This page alone has 7 ads and an autoplaying video

Gotta keep the lights on somehow. And it ain’t gonna be with the site’s godawful redesign.

Forced to reply on this. As someone living and working in Hong Kong for the last ten years, and for someone who has seen firsthand the disintegration of this city and the outright apathy, if not malice, of some of its citizens as its critics, protestors, and journalists are assaulted, denigrated, and hauled off to

I take issue with the headline “Rampant Transphobia” — she not saying “I hate trans people”, she’s arguing over definitions of “sex”, “gender”, “male/female”. While I don’t agree with a lot of what she’s saying I think comparing her remarks to what you hear from say born again Christians are NOT on the same level. The

press x to abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed 

That’s how Capitalism works - corporations make the choices that are most profitable, not the choices that are most moral or just.


I think this is going to have to come with a “This is why you’re banned” reason. I got a 10 min ban recently playing Lucio Ball, never went into chat, no indication why it happened. If bans are going to be easier then I’d love a reason why.

Hi, expert* After Effects user here (>10 hours!) so I know what I’m talking about. It looks like the head and chest have been edited on over Jack Nicholson - I think that’s where you’re getting the weird motion from, if you look at the chest particularly it only has 3 or so frames aside from panning - and then