Connor MacLeod

If someone here has an original idea without posting the usual idiocies, he/she should express it, to prove he/she is not a sheep seeking only for the herd approval.

I am so tired of these idiotic “teasers” that show nothing... if really Tesla wants to be taken seriously, they should leave the kindergarten, and start to behave like some sentient adults. Tesla should stick their teasers and tunnels where I say.

I am very pleased to see that you were forced to change your display name, because someone made you understand that you are a complete, total [insert here what I think of you].

Now playing

N.P. Because the engine sounds good. ...well, maybe with a small discount...

Why Soylent Green is not listed?

Why Soylent Green is not listed?

I usually do not spit on the other people’s cars, when those cars and humble, ugly or not loved here, because my thought always is: “If he bought and used that car, it’s because he really couldn’t buy any better”, and insulting it is like insulting its owner. But I’m just a sensitive, gentle, good-mannered imbecile...

My gauges are best. And after 8 years are still like new.

Thanks. I agree with you about the article.

Beautiful pictures and article, as always. Thank you! Too bad for that racist Chevrolet Confederate! To be politically correct, someone should overturn it!

So I understand that in the U.S.A., you can park what you like on the right driving lane of a two lanes road that has no parking lane... you just stop the car and leave it parked on the road, and to the heck those who have to avoid it not to crash... and everything is swell and good? My compliments!

So I understand that in the U.S.A., you can park what you like on the right driving lane of a two lanes road that has no parking lane... you just stop the car and leave it parked on the road, and to the heck those who have to avoid it not to crash... and everything is swell and good? My compliments!

So I understand that in the U.S.A., you can park what you like on the right driving lane of a two lanes road that has no parking lane... you just stop the car and leave it parked on the road, and to the heck those who have to avoid it not to crash... and everything is swell and good? My compliments, America!

What the fu*k is “surge pricing” or “surge charges”? Would someone please explain that to this poor, idiotic dumbass moron who in his life took hundreds of taxis all over the world to go everywhere, and always just paid for the amount on the digital display, plus (sometimes, not always) the added tip?

3rd Gear: There’s A Massive Recall Of Nissans In Japan

In Europe where I live, this car could be my daily driver: please appreciate the GB plate! Too bad that I cannot spend that money... oh, well... in my next life, maybe?

Stupidest show ever. Thank God, it’s unknown in Europe.

Perfectly logical, sympathetic and well made. for those times. Everything we read must be inserted in its historical timeframe. Otherwise, we’ll be starting soon to overthrow the statues of those that once were popular, and now are no more.

Naples FL? Maybe because the most of them are used to buy Cuban?

Rambo Lambo FTW.