
Yikes. Really?

I’m sorry, but as an artist and writer myself that mentality really pains me. I wish less people had that mentality

I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying

If you thought Age of Ultron was bad then I’d wager you’ll poke your eyes out with rusty spoons by the end of this one.

That seems like it has about 0 chance of happening.

I dunno. I find io9's actual reviews to be generally good and even-handed.

Her father always had parental rights; she was never their child. She was never adoptable.

No, they haven’t. She’s been with them four years, and they were told at the outset (and repeatedly thereafter) that she was not adoptable and that family reunification was the goal of her case. As responsible fosters they should have put her interests before their own by trying to facilitate that reunification in a

That’s how the facebook statement reads to me too, as though she is property and they are exploiting the imagery of a crying little girl to get what they feel is theirs back. She belongs with her father’s relatives and they should not have obstructed that process.

Yet again illustrating how anyone who uses the phrase “paid by with your tax dollars” sounds like an asshole.

I feel for the little girl, pulled apart in all this mess.

There’s a lot of hate because we’re tired of religious assholes sticking their noses into the medical choices of other people. They’ll stop getting hate when they start minding their own fucking business.

Rly tho I’m onto you Mitchy

I think once you take a single cent of public money, you void your right to cry about you religious views. Take government money, follow the law.

Does anyone else think that nun actually looks like Mitch McConnell in disguise?

I can’t even handle the nerve of their “Help a Sister Out” signs. Like, at worst, this has absolutely no effect on you, but will fuck over tons of other women. Fuck right off, ladies.

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

I love that, for these people, filling out a two page form is an "undue burden" but 48 hour waiting periods and making women drive 400 miles to the nearest Women's Health clinic isn't.

One of things I hope for most dearly is that the death penalty will be abolished in my lifetime. Not the feckless, useless, piecemeal state by state abolition, but the federal government actually stepping up and saying no more. I hate this shit. It’s WRONG.

I cannot endorse this behavior.