
You dont read comic books, do you? If you did you would know that story is important in comic books. And there are lots of good stories in comics. Its not all about the pretty pictures. Also, modern comics are much more in the grey areas than GvB. Read some Alias or The Authority.

This movie is doing everything it can to portray itself as smart and thoughtful. The filmmakers are not telling you to turn your brain off.


I’ll bet you $100 that the io9 review will be neagative. You dont know much about io9, huh?

They didnt want to go up against Civil War because they knew this was a much worse movie and would have made less money if it were released in the summer.

Summer is the blockbuster season. March is not summer.

I didnt understand a word you just wrote.

But it sounds so thinky and smartstuff. Me am convinced!1

TL;DR: Bro!

Religion does not get to effect government.

Tribe Called Quest: Best hiphop group ever.

Hit Girl works alone.

I agree, but I think it was appropriate in this case since (I believe) that it was an honest mistake.

The thing about older comics that makes them hard to read is the tons and tons of exposition. Show, don’t tell, comics.

Why do you care?

Uploading you my sex-tape now... It would be helpful if you would rate my performance on a bell-curve.

Uuuuuuhhhhh, what? I’m usually right but, that doesn’t make me a journalist...

You are so so very mad. Mad. Very mad. You are so mad, I wonder if you are “hulk”ed out...?