You need to grow up. Sex is part of the world.
You need to grow up. Sex is part of the world.
Your comment creeps me out. Why would there be a porn scene in star wars just because there is a gay character?
Riiight. Because the inclusion of a gay charcter would of course mean full on sex scene, right bro?
Racist is a word that describes racist people. Dont want to be called racist? Dont be racist. Its easy really.
ALM is not a thing. Its just something that racist white people use to shut down black people who are trying to work against hundreds of years of racism.
Thats a lot of words and no sense.
No offense, but your comment is incredibly ignorant to the point that I think youre trolling.
Holy fuck, your racist ignorance is tiresome. Go away and leave the adults alone.
You are a sociopath.
Why do you feel the need to make the world a worse place?
Ah, youre a troll. Thanks for confirming it with your absurd comment.
Are you stupid or a troll?
Wow, 115 idiots agreed with your idiotic comment. Lots of dumb racist people out there who think that they are not racist and dumb.
Trolling skill 2/10. Get a life, loser.
Thats because you are racist.
Yes, “social unrest”. We must not disrupt the status quo. Racism must be allowed to continue to maintain the social order. You sound like a sociopath.
A lot of dumb people agree with your dumb comment = america is filled with dumb people.
You are leaving out a large part of the population. Nubians. Dont forget the Nubians.
The fuedal system is just like the mafia. Knights and samurai were “muscle” who oppressed people with no money and no power all to maintain control and make profits for a very small group of people in control.