
I find that when I’m suffering from a bout of depression that my thought processes drop, and so does my physical ability. I have even measured it at the gym with my heart rate going into the red (180bpm) doing a workout that is normally in a moderate zone (130bpm). I can never ever go out cycling when I am having a

I’m a horse person and agree that Equestrian is as much if not more about the skill of the horse and it’s training (and at this level trainer, rider, riders coach, owners and strappers are different pwople) it is no longer relevant to modern olympics. I’m pretty sure it was included originally because the Olympics was

At elite level, the competitive horse industry is just like the racing industry. Horse are owned by a grup of people or by someone rich, it’s stabled at a center and looked after by strappers, the rider is hired to ride. Unfortunately you arguemant of riders training etc is not valid. yes it does take skill but even