One-Note Pony

As the Aussie above said, Vegemite is best eaten spread thinly on toast with the exact right amount of margarine. Marmite is an entirely different animal: it's a bit goopy for toast but makes a pretty good tea, which might actually be sacrilege but is damn nice after a couple hours shoveling snow.

She wants to tell her that she loves her but the point is probably moot.

"This Corrosion" fun fact: I have a friend who is a goth DJ who once told me the 11-minute version means "the DJ has to go to the bathroom", and sure enough the last time I heard it at a club I looked up as it started to see the DJ leaving the booth.

Until they fairly recently got rid of "unlimited" data plans, this was the wireless providers' game too. AT&T's CEO used to go on about how 10% of subscibers to unlimited data plans used up a lot of bandwidth by, you know, USING their data plans, and that they were horrible people and basically thieves so it's OK to

Maybe she was in parentheses because she really is parenthetical. If you ask most people to name late-night hosts I doubt she'd be in the top 5. I read the article and went "Handler's show is still on? And Arsenio's show is back? And oh yeah, I like Fergusen but I always forget about him."

Regarding "…reality in the entertainment industry. (For instance, men were quoted 3.4 times more often than women in front page stories on The New York Times.": are people in the entertainment industry frequently quoted on the front page of the NYT? Or is the author considering the newspaper biz to be "entertainment

I saw TS2 when it first came out and haven't seen it since, except just watching the clip now. I remembered Emily putting Jessie in a box and donating her, but what I didn't remember was how it's clear that Emily packed up and boxed a bunch of stuff to donate, but still held on to Jessie for the car ride.

+1 for Blasto, +1 for Elcor Hamlet…but who wouldn't want to see an entire Salarian production of "Pirates of Penzance"?

Now that "watching for the ads" is a thing, and has been for several years, advertisers are no longer just trying to make, you know, good, catchy ads that move product, but trying to be part of EVENT TV. They have, in other words, disappeared completely up their own asses, to whatever limited extent they hadn't

Nichael, I wasn't slamming BSG's characterization, dialogue, or really anything else OTHER than the arc plot (which frankly was less interesting than the short-term plotlines anyway…some mysteries just don't need to be explained). My analogy between the two begins and ends with the plot.

^^ Read Sporks' comment in Conroy's voice, if you didn't already.

Yep. I usually feel like I'm being too Pollyanna, but I do have trouble with a show when absolutely everybody sucks. More importantly, it makes the show lose both dramatic contrast (nice to see Nan be a badass, but did her whiplash transformation into crazy murderer add anything to the character or the show, for the

I agree (and thus disagree with the article title's assertion). This is by far the most focused season - it really only started going completely off the rails a few episodes ago, though off the rails it well and truly is.

I'm guessing Pam lost weight from being in the cocaine (heroin?) suit. Also from absorbing it, maybe?

I don't know, but her mom is Jenna.

You could play PS1 games on your PS2. By the time the PS3 came out you realized you never actually played the PS1 games, and anyway by then you were far more concerned about whether the PS3 would play your PS2 games, which you also would turn out to never play again. So getting rid of old game hardware was a pretty

Yeah, the Valley Shepherd Hipster Grilled Cheese place Teti linked to is really very good. A terrible value for the money, mind you, but if you're in the mood to treat yourself to spending $15 on a grilled cheese with a side of chips and a kale-fennel coleslaw that comes in the same size container that Five Guys gives

Was this the first time it's explicitly stated in-universe that she's speaking Korean? I always knew that was what the voice actress was doing, but I figured it was being treated as Wookiee in the show (Jake understands it, Finn doesn't, nobody but Rainicorns actually speak it). I didn't realize there were multiple

This might just be restating what you said, but while Death is always Death, Slater isn't actually immortal in his own universe. Action-movie heroes are *theoretically* vulnerable, and get winged and flesh-wounded and a single artful cut on the biceps and cheek all the time, but that's just action movie toon-physics.

Or buy a used PS3. They're cheap now that people are anticipating the PS4, they're decent 3D Blu-ray players with more frequent firmware updates than most standalone players, they work (sortakinda) as DNLA clients, and hey, free game console.