One-Note Pony

That book!  At 2:19 in the video the camera pans past a black book with a red pentacle on the cover.  It wasn't a TSR book but a third-party supplement that worked pretty well with AD&D editions from the 80s…all sorts of new races and classes and spells.

We still have the Bamfs.  Tiny, nonverbal Poochie versions of Nightcrawler.  That's almost as good, ri—…

Motherfucking Hornetroid.  A giant hornet-mech (before I knew the word "mech") who was also a vehicle.  He had so many bonus weapons that eventually they just gave up finding sensible places for them and stuck one in his butt.  Retractable landing gear, missles that actually fired and stupid dead kids be damnmed,

For some reason I just assumed they'd be rarer, so it never occurred to me to look on ebay.  Thanks for the tip - I just picked up a set for less than what it would have cost to get my best friend from 6th grade to mail my set back to me.

Better than McBain: "Steele Justice". Contains the line, and I shit you not, "You don't assign him…you unleash him!". The best part is when they're clearly aping the "Stallone stitches himself and screams" bit from First Blood, and the title character (who just had a fight in a restaurant kitchen) cauterizes his