
This comment is making more and more sense in a wild tour (I’m from the future, specifically 17 days in the future!!!).

Edit: Yeah, ok.


Alla the Philip is in the building! I love biking, this game man! Bonk it.

The pump is for the wheels my friend.

I would enjoy an unexplained list. 

I’d like to friend you on LinkedinChained. Please tell me about the S&M you do.

No way Jose. I enter with a camel EVERY GODDAMN DAY.

God, if you spin that any less it would be like beating a dead horse.

Finally some momentum. Most people just buy Fosters then throw the can through a bus window. Not the Skins. They drink that watery, carbonated, sugarhol down to the last 1/8th and leave it peacefully on the side of the road.

In 2nd grade I had a (now crazy) aversion to peanut butter, so I DEMANDED cream cheese and jelly sandwiches for my packed lunch at school. My mother, bless her, packed me cream cheese sandwiches up until high school, and I, to my chagrin, threw those fuckers out for years.

That and ollie-ing off titties was truly the finest kind.

Now this is ass-sliding.

I don’t mind you giving 2Thumbs another chance at glory. He’s been in purgatory long enough.

Fundamentally, don’t we all?

God, I really thought there would be a H/T Herb Draper at the bottom of this one.

He probably had to go see about a girl.

Cruise missile gonna Cruise. It’s right there in the name!

Not sure this is the right place to talk about this, but I guess I’ll try.