Yes, bravo to Mika for taking a stand, but it’s rendered nearly impotent by Scarborough’s comment (bolding is mine): “And again, I don’t even think she’s saying things she knows to be untrue, she’s just saying things to get in front of a TV set.”
Yes, bravo to Mika for taking a stand, but it’s rendered nearly impotent by Scarborough’s comment (bolding is mine): “And again, I don’t even think she’s saying things she knows to be untrue, she’s just saying things to get in front of a TV set.”
I find the exercise of double consciousness that must be required to say, “I want to protect my farming profits by exterminating a species of bee that makes agriculture possible” dizzying.
OMG! I hadn’t noticed before! I am also a filthy nail-biter, but I would absolutely suffer with acrylics on a permanent basis if I had a job that required me to be in the public eye.
I read this morning that WaPo is hiring 60 more journalists! As soon as I get paid next week I’m subscribing to help support their efforts.
Actually, Milla’s wig is way more lifelike than the dried-out yarn on top of Kellyanne’s head.
“You can laugh at me all you want” always, ALWAYS, means “STOP FUCKING LAUGHING AT ME.”
This is a tough one. I can “afford” to take the day on my salaried job that was vacation + benefits. However as a mom, I tend use those days very carefully because I need them for when school is closed, child is sick, doctor’s appointments etc.
Coastal liberal is a meaningless term, unless you’re offended that “flyover state” is a phrase and you need a boogeyman to taunt.
Not that I predict this will happen, but if all the female teachers strike in my kid’s school, and I strike too, I’m going to end up doing more “women’s work” than I would if I just went to work, because instead of my kid going to school, I’ll be taking care of her at home.
I’d like to point out it’s not just maybe you can’t afford to take a day off, but also maybe you’d be doing harm if you did. I’m a social worker and my whole office is female. We can’t just leave clients hanging a day because of this. Or think of hospitals- if a good portion of employees take off, that would harm…
Yeah, but in those cases, they will strike until concrete demands are met, that’s not what is happening here. We can’t conceivably just all strike until Roe v. Wade is protected forever, that’s not feasible.
Yeah, I have a terrible feeling that this is just going to backfire. I feel like it’s unorganized, unclear, and in some ways unreasonable. I hope it’s a huge success, but if it backfires that would be awful.
“Sorry disenfranchised and marginalized people, we’re focusing on white people again.”
Would requesting the day off in advance be cheating the purpose?
Okay from this info I can see that they are likely to include more options than actually not showing up for work that day, but can someone explain to me the point of a single day strike? Isn’t the point of a strike that you continue to not work until your demands are met? I’m not trying to hate on it, I am just…
What, you don’t want to go swimming in 20 lbs of heavy costume jewelry, a jacket stolen from Kim Kardashian’s closet, and what appears to be a Pinterest macrame fail?
If that 3rd cover is an actual swimsuit, then the rotisserie chicken I bought earlier this week had the same one.
As someone who had been planning to seek citizenship in the coming years...well, I don’t think that sentence needs to be finished. I hope you and yours remain safe.
What kills me the most about these deportations every Republican administration is how cruel and pointless it is. If they really wanted to end illegal immigration they’d put a single fucking employer in jail for employing immigrants without authorization to work in the US. All this does is scapegoat poor people who…
It’s also rather humorous that he would expect a 70-year-old woman to still have firm breasts.