
This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”

My personal favoritebit of news today concerning our dear Senators was this one over on Politico, where Congressman Reichert told his fellow lilly-livered elected officials:

It’s sure as shit better than the rote memorization that I remember from going through elementary school in the 90s.

Won’t be math that gets scrapped. #1 target for Republicans will always be science. The lessons will be things like..

My god. I’m so nervous that the therapists will be the first to go. Speech, OT, PT... literally invaluable to our most in-need students.

Hollow words, but thanks for doing what you do - not many professions are as important as teaching, and you guys spend a lot of time getting kicked around. Keep fighting the good fight, and I’ll go find some worthy teachers’ non-profit to donate to in DeVos’ name.

*Teacher raises hand*

I have a son in an IEP in special ed and I’m just freaking out. I don’t know what this will mean for him but it’s nothing good.

Cynical me isn’t surprised with this outcome. But I was hanging on to one sliver of hope that a few Republicans could at least get past the craven partisanship\greed\hubris and honestly admit that DeVos was grossly unqualified and vote against her.

I’m seriously considering buying homeschooling materials to supplement my kids’ education myself. I wouldn’t know where to start—or where to find Jesus-free resources—but I think I don’t have a choice.

I’m so sorry. I’m heartbroken. This is truly a dark time. I’m not a teacher, but I’m weeping. Money is more important than children to these people.

Also let it serve as a reminder to anyone who touts Graham and McCain as reasonable moderate republicans: no they’re not. They are cut from the same shit bag cloth as the rest of their ilk. Fuck them, fuck people who defend them and fuck the rest of their party for mortgaging the future of the entire United States in

Mike Pence can go fuck himself. Ditto for all who endorsed her.

Let’s put this in perspective:


It might not matter to you. But this matters to a lot of people. Have you seen this? It’s a group of men signing away women’s reproductive rights, not a woman to be seen. We’re being left out of conversations that directly impact us. It might not matter to you, but it matters to me. And just to be clear, it’s possible

That’s what 8 years of repressed fun and having to deal with an ungrateful nation will do to you.

I disagree with this artist’s rendering on the grounds that lil Prince George is entirely too cute to play our yamlike president.

That tweet was sent out a few minutes after an episode of Morning Joe where Scarborough was discussing the SNL skit, and also the Time Magazine “Great Manipulator” cover, and rhetorically posed the question “Is it true that Bannon is calling the shots?” So Trump obviously directly answered that he’s calling the shots.

It’s almost too bad they already have a great Trump, because he’d really lose his shit if Rosie O’Donnell were in the role.