
Thats because I don’t think anyone has seen Kim make a facial expression in half a decade.

I had an off-and-on thing once, and you know what? I don’t understand it either.

Okay, but, like Alan Cumming before her, she really picked a good one.

My mom was a “Goldwater Girl” who just a few years later was protesting the Vietnam War directly to Nixon’s face.(She got into a receiving line by hiding her anti-war buttons with her long hair, then flipped her hair back when Nixon got to her. My mom is a badass.) People learn and grow and change. I prefer someone

Because not only do I not want to raise a child, I don’t want to be pregnant and I don’t want to give birth. It really is that simple.

“You can hold the unscientific and unsubstantiated belief that human life starts at conception but keep that your business.”

If you actually take the time to read the article their positions make a whole lot of sense

Hillary has never, in any way, tried to hide the fact that she grew up in a very Republican household. She has noted that she believes the first time her father voted Democrat was for Bill.

Ohhh fascinating! Not really... Plenty of people change their political views. Its called “evolving”.

Hillary was a staunch Democrat by her sophomore year of college, organizing civil rights and anti-war protests.

She changed her mind as a teenager. FFS.

And Reagan was an FDR Democrat.


What about boys who want to be president?? What about white history month? WHAT ABOUT SOUP KITCHENS FOR RICH PEOPLE? WHERE ARE ALL THE DOCTORS SPECIALIZING IN HEALTHY PEOPLE? HMMMM??????

He’s not very good at speaking English, though. He speaks Word Salad. Palin-ish if you will.

There is almost a panic that sets in when white males are not at the center of concern or conversation. Weirdly, its not always white men who express this knee-jerk panic.


Right. Because every mother’s son hasn’t been told that for 200+ years. They may have forgotten?

But what Mr. Trump did, he spoke in a language that all Americans can understand. That is English.

This would’ve been an excellent opportunity to say, you know, “Whether you’re a boy or you’re a girl, both of you, my job will be to make sure it’s equally an option for both of you.