
Plenty of LOST episodes got me. Spoilers! The very end of Through The Looking Glass with jack and Kate. Sawyer and Juliet at the end of The Incident. Happily Ever After and a few pieces in The End.

But then *SPOILERS* do they ever find the ring again. Very vaguely in the back of my brain, I tttttthhhiiinnnnkk I remember Claire finding it again after she comes back to the camp but then I also remember being upset that Charlie had left it there and no one ever found it. Ahh!! Back to season 4 and 6.

Barring those few sleeper episodes in the beginning of the season, I really feel like season 3 is the strongest, most comprehensive season of not just this, but any show out of there (your opinions may vary). Looking back and reflecting, some of my most favorite moments, and most quoted lines, come from this season

Whoa whoa whoa there! I liked harpers island!!

So… I gave up on this a LLLOOONNNGG time ago, back at the beginning of season 2, so I have a question. Does everyone still hate Henry as much as they did in the beginning? Being the damn annoying kid that wouldn't get over his book(which I guess he hasn't so…)

I guess so. When the original group graduated, they were really pushing for them to be "gone" and focus on these new kids, remember? Out of all of the things the show couldn't commit to, in hindsight, I'm glad they didn't just move on past the old group. It's weird that they kept lurking in their old high school, but

Yeah. That one! Looking at it now, it was alright. A solid Rachel solo.

What's coincidence. Katy Perry's is playing right now.

I remember watching the first two seasons and just loving this show. I remember when it was in its prime and everyone was talking about. THE biggest thing. And I think it's crazy that's it just going out with a whimper like this, but the show could just never pull it together, could it. I stopped after season 3 when

This episode. Man, this episode just hit so many notes and transcends television. Roaming around the Internet, seeing the reactions, and reflecting, this episode, "Not What He Seems" sits in a special spot right next to LOST's "Through the Looking Glass" and Fringe's "Entrada", "Peter", and "White Tulip".

Please…don't. D': I was just asking about him last week. Good night, sweet prince.

I don't think he's the author. The author seems very benevolent and helpful and wouldn't use the machine. He also wouldn't need the books to use the machine (because he would already know how to use it?)

What else is on this channel?! Prawn Stars?! Stamp Hunters?! I wonder if I get this on cable….

Gah! But…but..but I checked the wiki. That's a good source, right? :(

I miss Ferguson. :[

I told my brother that that's what I love about this show. The editing, the squeaking wheels on the TV stand, the guy in the background that gets up to get a better view of the tv, the buzzing. All of these little things that show how awkward and "boring" (for lack of a better term) the courtroom is and its

I can't believe how fast (pun semi-intended) we're already getting into time travel and coming close to everything being out in the open. I would have thought this would come about maybe 3/4 of the season in with Flash/ReverseFlash fight for the finale, but not coming this soon. Hmmm…….

*For a moment, I really thought that a two-part arc about the origin story of Jonathan Crane, aka. The Scarecrow, would avoid the trappings of the procedural cop show that Gotham falls into far too often. *

*machete to the skull*

But then I see her opposibg the others, telling him not to quit, and then that just moots the whole message the "ghosts" we're trying to convey