
He’d walk on water and GTFO of Texas.

WWJD? He’d ask “What’s in it for me?”

Right-wing Christians are frequently the most un-Christlike of anybody. There’s more positive healthy useful and actionable modern-day life lessons in a random episode of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood than there is from a random book of the Bible.

Except the comic, which of course predates both the cartoon and the Warburton show, was very much at home with that sort of violence and darkness. You can see a previous comment for The Tick’s origin as an escapee from an insane asylum who becomes bored when he doesn’t get the electro-shock therapy he thought he’d be

The only bloodsport *I* condone is commenting on the AV Club.

A wife-beater fought a racist and they were both payed more money than any of us will see in our lifetimes. I hope as many people watched illegally as possible.

Well, I did the “Claim your account” thing and it took me to a Disqus page, then the browser just closed. Am I verified? I fucking hate this already.