One Hundred And Eighty

You win today.

is zukka’s thoughts becoming a thing

To the extent that anybody’s criticism of the practice of NBA teams resting (generally black) star players has hinged on the idea that those players are lazy or are shirking their work responsibilities, that’s every bit as stupid and unfounded and rooted in racist stereotypes as you know it is; that professional

Here are some points. All of them can be, and maybe even are, valid

Hot taek: I can’t stand Westbrook’s wannabe-Jordan ‘everyone else is my enemy; everyone else is inferior’ schtick. Sure seems to me that he does it because he thinks it makes him sound tough and uncompromising (like MJ!)!!

I picked against them on Drew’s recommendation.

Abner Doubleday taught me how to ball

Yeah, you got suckered, Redford. He doesn’t care about awards like JJ Watt doesn’t care about awards.

Drew, you need to expand this rant to include long-question askers in the audience.

The team most fit for a tank party:

Both men will remain free on bond until their sentencing hearing on July 11.

also men in black reference

* The biggest event on campus is Dance Marathon.

Yep, game over.

HOW could you forget this

oh my god this logic is unimpeachable