People on TV cried?? Over Tom Brady’s suspension?
People on TV cried?? Over Tom Brady’s suspension?
Is the rest of the list (or part thereof) going to be published on Deadspin?
When I used to play [sport redacted], if I got his after the whistle or shoved in a dead-ball situation, I used to theatrically flop like a grenade had gone off, for laughs. (The refs and players all knew each other, so they were aware that it was a joke). This looks like one of my efforts.
So, it’s not the media that mischaracterized anything at all. What a fuckwit Langer is.
Whoa, thanks for the Real World Lecture, guy!
How has nobody on here commented on the fact that the Celtics picture excludes Ray Allen?!?!
Here’s to number 18.
Update: why in the fuck would you buy into a team/company/whatever (with lesser voting rights!), if you’re not getting audited accounts? What in the actual fuck? How could you track how your investment is doing, or even if you are not being stiffed on dividends/whatever by your partners or management?
The Kings’ minority owners, who collectively own greater than 80 percent of the team but do not control it
Doctor Bro-bag Noshirt to you, sir.
Noles, this is from your ‘Organize Or Die’ piece from October:
Half Cyborg, Half Amazing.
Melo, at least, is playing his cards close to the vest.
+1 alternate timeline
It would be a great story for her to win. Rooting for her in the final!
Calling it: if there ever is an actual, independent investigation (which there won’t be, for obvious reasons), it would find that Russia manipulated the votes. Yes - the votes, not just the media.
fuck him up albert