
fuck cats though

At one point, Brand infodumps a clumsy analogy between Einstein's theory of relativity and the idea of emotional relatedness — love between humans, like gravity, transcends dimensions. Maybe love is even the fifth dimension, where the beings who made the wormhole live.

How this man got peak Julia Roberts to marry him.

In all honesty, that was longer than I expected it to survive.


Couldn't agree more. The short film world is definitely the new place to look for emerging talent - especially in the science-fiction genre. The directors Jonathan & Josh Baker are already looking at turning this into something longer, you can find out more in my interview on Short of the Week - http://www.shortofthewe

That is exactly why you don't work for them, if you get my meaning.

they'd get a lot more credibility supporting projects like this than they dreck the pay for now.

They're okay. I like my Wookiee Monster better.

The real joy happens in the inevitable divorce.

Looking at that second shot, all of a sudden I feel like I'm 7 again. Sigh. Please don't disappoint me, JJ.

What about the smelly water from a water pipe? Will it work on that?