
I mean, it will mean changing my degree, but, as they say, “Father knows best!”

They don’t know specifically, but rhythmic motion and holding limbs securely prevents Moro or startle reflexes that stimulate crying, and primitive vasovagal reflexes may be involved. Theories also involve replicating a womb-like environment that serves as a kind of baby “off” switch that extinguishes around 3 months

Oh I’m totally one of those mamas who trusts a doc more when they manhandle my baby. My kids’ pediatrician is this giant dude with hands the size of dinner plates and he just tosses my kiddos around all the time like it’s nothing, while smiling and making faces at them. It makes me feel like he really likes his job

It FREAKED MY BROTHER OUT though. When my nephew was born, I was handling him like I handle any baby and he was holding his breath the hold time. I was like, dude, I do this all day, every day. Cool your tits.

If it’s Yoga Nerd, MD approved, it must be good.

This is my favorite trick to do for new parents. It’s actually relying on a set of standard neonatal reflexes. Makes you look like a magician. Or at the very least, baseline capable.

aww thats like that story that happened i guess a few months ago where a woman ended up taking someone’s kid and they fell asleep and she spent the entire ride with stranger baby in her lap.

My mom totally handed me off to a stranger on a plane once. I’d been screaming my head off, she was at her wits’ end, and a kindly old lady asked if she could try to calm me down. She still gets teary talking about how relieved she was.

I like his little “this is a good baby” ... ::smooch:: at the end. Like kissing the top of its little head was just an involuntary reaction to seeing a baby head. This guy really likes kids!

We used to do something really similar with our daughter when she was a tiny baby, it was super effective. I thought we just had a good baby - it turns out we just lucked into good technique.

I love how doctors manhandle babies so confidently like a sack of potatoes. I hold my niece like she is made of tissue paper, but this guy is a pro!

Mix. Source: my partner and their gender neutral pronouns

like “mix” but with a lighter “s” sound.

Honestly, I feel like “Mrs.” should be dropped out of language altogether. Ms. & Mr., both of which do not denote martial status. Also Mx. for non gender conforming, if you like.

Sounds like she might have a little fetish with de-virginizing young Christian boys.

Seriously, what’s wrong with this lady? If we found out about a guy like this, we’d completely dog him.

“Oh, you were SERIOUS about that virgin til marriage thing?

I’ll keep a candle lit in that window. This is so distressing.

We knew it would happen one day. Shade court appointments are for life, but life is finite.

Maybe if we’re lucky, next year will see Kara in front of the Shade Court backdrop, captioned