
I know all men are guilty until proven innocent on this topic at this website, but this seems really fucking fishy. I know the standards for a university hearing are probably lower, but this isn’t anywhere near “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

This whole mess, from the crosscheck of the official to today’s announcement, just makes the NHL look even more like a bunch of amateurs winging it.


The Kurt Angle street fight, where they botched the suplex through breakaway glass and landed head first on the concrete and therefore had to do it again (and then botched the same move two more times!), stands out to me. Also, that he could be somewhat believable in a match of any kind with Kurt Angle is pretty

This is going to result in a 40 something billionaire heir with 3 young sons throwing himself off of 20 foot high steel cage. Order the Network.

Went back and re-read that trade: the thunder turned down a 26 year old Tyson Chandler for an old Joe Smith, a useless Chris Wilcox and someone that sounds like a NBA live generated player. I think Chandler could have had his foot amputated, I still might’ve pulled the trigger.

Rousey went on to say that she wants her next fight to be a rematch with Holm.

Is she dabbing or coughing? I honestly can’t tell.

Goddamn psych majors.

“We’re talking about celebrity stuff, not politics.”

+1 Maeby someone will get it

Rugby does this, the “penalty try,” and it really helps clean up play near the try line.

Sanka, ya dead?

I can’t pretend there’s not a small part of me that would love to see Jay and Dan back in Canada on TSN.

Jay and Dan are good people, as it Katie Nolan. They all deserve much better.

Blink 182 times and you’ll miss it, but he really did take off the pants of a Jacket.

Stories like this are really important for people who wave away concerns about concussions with “they knew what they were getting into when they chose football.” They really, really didn’t. When most of today’s pro players started out in the game, they knew about the possibility of physical damage but the neurological

Know who has the most violent league games? Church leagues. They all gather at centre ice, kneel and pray before the game. They then proceed to beat the ever loving shit out of each other. Worked in rinks for 10 years, they were always the worst (but most entertaining).

He is afraid of death and I am afraid of life.

Is there a section of the museum dedicated to his eating vaseline? I only make that joke because he is doing better. Good for him. I hope he is truly happy and healthy.