
Wonder if they will turn around and trade Quick for an even bigger haul. I don’t see that happening but you never know.

Where was the FBI when Karmanos stole the Whale?

I see you, Billy.

At least he doesn’t look like a pervy weirdo. Oh WAIT....

I thought it was Weezy.

and the higher incidence of pitcher substitutions, especially in the late innings of games.

Brendan Shanahan thinks this could work.


Ate way too much breakfast.

Deplorable and awful owner- yes. Failed? Hardly.

Always figured Young was too smart for ESPN anyway.

So they get rid of the star to keep the coach, then tie the can to said coach 5 months in. Makes perfect sense.

Guess Guy Cabonneau is next.

No one will ever know.

Jonah Keri is smashing his fist into a desk right now.

He wears no pants, though.

I’m all for gimmicky OT rules to end regular season games quickly. Not the Super Bowl, though.

Wait - did Carter mail a rat to a reporter as well?

Just for the sake of clarity, Bautista’s outfield arm is now one of the worst. By a lot.