
Show me that smile again, Luke.

Sucks. Hope he remembers when the Mailman delivers.

When they focused the split camera on Bautista, part of me was hoping he’d go all pinetar George Brett when they made the call.

My math skills are obviously infinite.

My Twitter handle is Divided By Zero, so it was strange seeing this.

Great movie, and I was totally that guy. But seriously, ‘Parental Guidance’ and ‘Turbo’ are two of the biggest turds in the history of metal.

Hmmm...Simmons has a podcast, Deadpin starts a podcast..Simmons starts a newsletter...

People really hate that they build the arena in Glendale.

Say what you will, but that guy wanted his city to be the best, despite the bufoonery.

No ghost of Chris Kluwe next week?

As if Simmons was talking about something other than the NBA or Road Rules Challenge on a podcast.

I never know how many Pussycat Dolls there are.

Yup, I am my readers.

And KD loved the Raptors as a kid..every city has a story like this. Even Saskatoon.

If you want to increase scoring, fire all the coaches.

Or have one less guy on the ice, which won’t happen. So, nets it is!

There might be a city in Western Canada interested...

At least he is being represented by the Queen’s Counsel.

Maybe the Flames would have a few more wins.

Well, he WAS an Idiot.