
The first show I’m professionally costume designing has finally been cast so I can begin working on costumes. Other big news is that it is getting toured around the city next spring and the company that I’m working for is in talks with Philly to get it toured there too. So I’m super happy about this opportunity and

I couldn’t get through more than five seconds of this because of all the yelling and the fact that it is apparently eighteen minutes long, but does anyone understand how this video is intended to do the following?

Knowing the meaning of consent and respecting people’s boundaries doesn’t just have to do with sex.

Parker also admitted that when he wrote the initial Facebook post, a whole two weeks ago, he, “never took a moment to think about the woman.”

He should feel at least guilty for her dead and ashamed for raping her.

Exactly. Part of me is glad he just laid it bare: “I know it’s technically rape by our currents standards but for me personally it is fine.”

Sir, you are 36 years old. If you don't have the concept of consent down by now, it's because you don't want to.

The artist who cried, “Art!”

“Parker also admitted that when he wrote the initial Facebook post, a whole two weeks ago, he, “never took a moment to think about the woman.”

“Parker also admitted that when he wrote the initial Facebook post, a whole two weeks ago, he, “never took a moment to think about the woman.”

May she wake up for the midnight pee and step on a Lego.

I see:

The entire episode, she said, was a performance art piece. . . .

Ok so she’s a fucking bitch. The people on the train??? They couldn’t all have been on it. If someone did that to me, I would seriously sue her. And frankly, I think the MTA should. She disrupted the fucking system because someone freaked and pulled the brake. Yea, no. I was an actor in a past life and I STILL think

There’s no ability to consent. None. So therefore it’s all rape. No guard/nurse/whatever should be having sex with an inmate. Period. Let’s not make this a #notalljailhousequickies thing.

It’s rape because of the relationship between the parties and the power dynamic involved. We deem prisoners unable to consent because they are totally dependent on the guards. We don’t believe they can make a decision independent of that relationship.

You might not be able to control the actions of other inmates (and I can understand being unable to separate people from the general population before they commit unwanted/illegal acts) but “sometimes the staff just rapes people” (admittedly a paraphrase) is indefensible.

My god you’re right! Because men also get raped by prison guards who may be female it invalidates rape of women by male guards! And probably all consentual too! Thank goodness you were able to come shit on, and cast doubt on incarcerated rape victims!

Word. I'd even settle for another witch movie at this point, maybe one where the villagers are evil and she's the good one who saves them from themselves. Anything but fucking wedding industry schlock my god.