LOL, my ex was named Justin and your comment just made my day
LOL, my ex was named Justin and your comment just made my day
Hahahaha you talked to a guy named Justin
A lot of the research kind of goes back and forth on porn’s effects on health (different aspects of porn/different types of porn can sometimes have different effects), but my academic advisor recently published some of his research that shows that when gay or bi men watch gay porn in which the actors wear condoms,…
If porn is harmful to anyone, it’s the women performers asked to do weirder and weirder stuff. But then the RNC doesn’t give a fuck about sex workers of either gender.
At least they’re taking a moment’s breather from interfering in women’s sex lives to harass (primarily) men for a change.
I’m mildly sympathetic to people’s concerns about exposing children to porn. For example, if I had a 12 year old son I’d be really worried that he’d inevitably start looking at lots of porn and would have his adult sexual persona entirely shaped by its content - either developing some really inconvenient or dangerous…
I think some of their points are valid. I have 4 children. I’m terrified of what they might find on the internet when the nanny software isn’t there, or doesn’t do its job.
oh my god you’re being weird and rapey over here too? get the fuck out.
no, it doesn’t work like that, but you’re an mra.
Pretty sure I’m not the one who needs to get over anything there, chief.
the reasoning is that faking an orgasm will make the rapist come as fast as possible and then the unwanted sex will end. you really don’t understand.
Neither this article nor the study gives details on exactly what words or descriptions were used that made the study administrators determine that the sex was “coercive” or “unwanted”.
Or what one of my ex’s would do:
There is a small chance that women in general will experience the world differently than you
The whole idea of maintenance sex needs to go away.
Well, it’s simple, ask for permission, Get a firm but happy: YES, and don’t pressure her about it, or make her feel bad for refusing if she does.
No, it won’t. It just means that YOU won’t get laid as often.
Are women qualified to govern their preferences and behaviour? Absolutely. I never said or felt otherwise.
Participants said that faking orgasm was one way of exerting more control and getting out of sex when there didn’t seem to be other options available.
If you have to say “No, I’m not defending rapists,” then yes, you are probably a rape apologist.