tom glavine only has 1 dong

This is a very uncool take. A lack of civic engagement, where people are more likely to research conspiracy theories and celebrity gossip than learn about the actual fundamentals that should affect their vote, is arguably the underlying problem behind much of our societal decay. It’s a good thing when influential

considering all the loser sports fans that constantly vomit up the narrative that athletes should be role models then yes it should matter what he says ... but of course many of the same grown people who bring gloves to baseball games, knock over other people to get a autographs and stupid selfies...

Hilariously, one of the loudest objections to LeBron’s endorsement is that “He doesn’t know shit about politics and government.”

the band did and they aren’t played over the radio at halftime.

This is a huge over-reaction. Players didn’t kneel, the band did and they aren’t played over the radio at halftime. That’s when the run the halftime show. So, this guy is making a huge issue out of something that didn’t even air on his station.

I have to imagine that ECU won’t notice one bit that their game isn’t being broadcast. These contracts are almost always done by the year, not by the game, so if the station isn’t playing a game then that’s their choice to sacrifice their own money. So ECU won’t even “pay” for it; only the radio station will lose

The band members were free to make their statement. The station owner is free to make his decision. And we’re free to say he’s a dumbass.

These are not negative consequences for the band members. I can’t think of any reason why the band members would give a flying fuck that the game they will be attending as band members won’t be carried on the radio. The macho posturing of the station that they are teaching consequences to these students, and the

No one is saying he isn’t allowed to do this. We’re saying it’s fucking stupid.

The question isn’t whether this is allowed under the First Amendment or not. It clearly is. The question is whether these particular consequences are warranted or not. And it’s clearly a stupid overreach. Get it?

Christ, the stupid...

“Well, that’ll show them! Now the ECU marching band will get paid ZERO dollars.”

[*muffled sound of producer in radio host’s headphones*]