That happens where you are too?! I thought that was just a local thing! They haven't shown a rerun earlier then 2010 in a WHILE, and it really sucks! It's the same damn episodes over and over again!
He's probably a psychopath. Psychopaths can turn on the charm in job interviews and really sell themselves to their employers.
lol says the guy who pretended to *be* David Kotkin to try and save his own ass. Pretty sure you can be sued for that yourself there Pauly boy.
I'll admit, I've played through the beginning of Just Cause 2 twice, and I had no idea you were supposed to take a ski lift. ^_^;;;
Wow Zynga. You don't see Blizzard getting all butthurt over whatever-craft games. (At least I don't think you do...)
Read his original script. It really is a lot better then what wound up on screen. He's said he's only cried two times in his career. When Firefly was canceled, and when he saw what the studio did to Alien: Resurrection.
Video games... preventing gun violence? Somewhere in Florida Jack Thompson is tossing and turning in his bed.
[] Fun little strategy game where you play a disease of your own making, be it virus bacteria or parasite, and try to kill everyone in the world. :-P You've gotta try to start off subtle-you don't want countries closing their borders to try and avoid you. Then you mutate into a nasty…
That actually sounds better for me. I liked the first game, but crapped out about half-way through.
Hmm, ya know, I've got Shadows of the Damned sitting pretty close to the top of my pile of shame, and that's... that's not a bad idea.
Yeah, if those leaked details are true this instantly went from the first MMO I thought I could finally really get into, to just nose-diving straight into the concrete while giving me the finger.
I liked it too. I wound up buying it after I beat it on a rental, just so I could always pull it out and show friends my favorite scenes.
For some reason that Slippy makes me think of this scene from Invaders from Mars. I think its the face Louise Fletcher makes when she's swallowing a frog whole.
Mmmthat's some sexy CGI! I'm hyped for the game. Even avoiding the beta so I don't burn myself out playing the first little bit over and over again.
Yeah... Disappointing after how good he was in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
I guess the third time is the charm, because I'm getting in to Witcher 2 now with the EE. Sunk two hours in to it today without even meaning to. I'll see if I can't finally finish the first chapter of the game tomorrow. Might throw in a little TF2 as well. It's been a few months since I played it.