
If it's anything like the rescue mission I, erm, *volunteered* at about ten years ago, they actually probably have a LOT of sweets. The local stores would give them entire bakeries worth of cakes, cupcakes, donuts, and the like that had expired the use-by date for the store. I actually took home an entire large

I don't trust Google. I don't want to give them windows in to my life. Even if it's a fake account, they'll probably still be finding some way to get information off me through Kotaku, or some cookie or another I have to accept for it to work that would track me.

Well, that's disappointing. See, I don't have Facebook, Twitter, or... well, I did have a Google account, but I don't like what they're doing with my information, so I stopped using it. I don't WANT a social networking site. Not even for pretendsies. Kotaku for years has been the only place where I steadily post and

*checks SMB box* Damn, it just says 1985. Didn't hurt to check though. :-P

"We're talking 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-year-old kids who are getting exposed to this regularly"

Ha. I just saw it today and I had the exact same thought at that scene where everything is on fire and the exchange student is walking forward. One Winged Angel started playing in my head!

Yarr, there be spoilers here! I just be sayin'.

That bear seems to be getting high on his own supply. Scarface would have words with him. :-P

LOL! I no joke thought of that EXACT ad when I saw this article! That. is. Awesome.

I don't know anyone who plays these games, but they MUST be pulling a profit... Since all I have to go on is this advertising campaign, the only conclusion I can make is that the bear community freaking LOVES farming. *shrugs* I guess it makes sense!

The fact 'oh grow up' was the first thing that popped into my mind to tell you makes me feel even older. :-/

Aww man, I remember that ad. ...I remember ads for Super Mario 2. ...I remember ads for ATARI 2600 GAMES. Sears would send you one a month if you subscribed!

I got in to Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion at the same time. Ever since then every few years I'll go on an anime binge. The last one resulted in finding Death Note. Good god is Death Note freaking awesome.

I thought the exact same thing when I saw that! The look now is fine and all, but it lacks a little of the whimsy your imagination puts in to old NES games like SMB3.

THAT is a good idea. Maybe it's a cost issue?

I wonder if it's still real chicken. When I was working at a fast food restaurant we went in to a big advertising campaign about using healthier ingredients. (I'm trying to remember wtf it was, but it was a while ago. I think it might have been our chicken too.) Then we switched back. Only we didn't have a big ad

Interesting. I like fish. I like McDonald's fish sandwich even. It's not exactly high eating, but something about a bite of one of those and a mouthful of fries does it for me. Fish nuggets from McDonalds on the other hand... I'm just not seeing the appeal here. I'm not sure fish should be served in breaded nugget