
We have you now!

All I can think of is that game Six Days In Fallujah, and the bru-ha-ha over what to call the enemy in the last Medal of Honor's multiplayer. Whenever you try to put some current reality in to games, people cry out "YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT A GAME! It lessens what the real people are going through!"

Sony actually had a pretty hard line on what it wanted to see on the PS1 back in the day. Getting the okay to release a 2D game was difficult. I remember reading about that stuff back when Symphony of the Night came out.

I finally did it! Yesterday at 3:14pm, I beat Dark Souls. I was hoping it'd cure me of my addiction, but I still find myself wanting to play... It's kind of got an MMO pull to it in that regard. So many classes and character concepts sound like a blast to play.

Okay that was pretty funny. And that ending was NOTHING like mine! I want to make a joke about all the Mass Effect ending stuff going on right now, but I guess that'd be bad taste. :-P

Dark. Souls. I am SO close to beating it now. Only one lord's soul to go, and I'm almost there. Fighting the Centipede Demon now. I've actually had to start taking longer breaks. Over playing the past few days has got my left thumb and forearm all sore and swollen feeling. But I'm so close! I need to finally beat this

Heheh. This is the only one of those BK games I got. I still love it. And its weird mutant cover that LOOKS like a 360 case but only says XBOX on it, because it was compatible with both systems.

It's been a looooong time since I saw the movie. I guess I misremember it.

Now playing

So long as it's not super butt, I am ALL OVER IT.

heehee. I always figured Jack talked Rose in to the topless posing because she could wear the Heart of the Ocean to make it artistic, and he's not even drawing it there.

Guess I'll just be making a ninja in Dark Souls after all. :-P

I enjoyed it as the innocent kid from a dysfunctional family who wants to make everyone happy and do good just going about it in the absolute worst way possible. :-) I love the Frankenhole series those guys are doing now, too.

If I could only pick two for follow ups it'd probably be Metalocolypse and old Aqua Teen Hunger Force. But there's been a lot of other great ones too. Sealab, Brak, Moral Orel... Least favorite goes to anything live-action.

What does it say? I don't have a Facebook account.

Now playing

The Venture Bros. is the best thing ever to come out of Adult Swim.

Think of it as Q4 overflow they knew wouldn't sell anything during the Christmas season.

Uh-oh. Somebody needs to squeeze that druid's anal gland! *quickly touches nose*

I remember reading the Nintendo Power that was first featured in when it came out. So... old... What's worse is I threw all my old EGMs and Nintendo Powers away when I was around 19.

Sometimes when I can't sleep I'll watch NetFlix on my 3DS in bed, and I can see this being useful for that.

Yeah, I've put a ton of hours in to the Souls game, and the only time I've ever had something break was in Demon's Souls fighting those weird bug monsters with two human heads that spit corrosive crap at you. The repairs don't even COST that much.