
"The company apparently blames to redouble its efforts in South Korea, Taiwan, and China."

Wasn't this posted like two days ago...?

Not only is she a great model for these, whoever's taking the photos is pretty damn good as well!

That sounds... pretty nice.

It looks to me like Kratos finally found happiness as the God of Stir-Fry.

And why children cheer as the pinatas die and explode, and the rest gather 'round to feast on their gooey candy insides?

I believe the plan is to release it the same day! I'm waiting to play the PC version until that content gets released. I've owned it for a while, but other gets kept distracting me away.

I haven't listened in years, but Cheapass Gamer has (had?) a podcast that was really entertaining. It's actually part of what got me over to Kotaku, because Owen Good did his "something negative" bit on it.


Too bad he can't sing. That's the deal they gave Willie Nelson.


I don't think the one we got in America was actually the original, was it? I think it's been going in one form or another in Japan since the 1970s. (I was a little too old for the show when I was a kid, but ten years ago I had a friend who was obsessed and always spouting out facts about it.)

*GASP* GIVING CHILDREN A PIZZA PARTY?! They should be ashamed at how unhealthy that is! Giving children a treat like that in a SCHOOL of all places!

It's Not Scrolls: The Sequel to Scrolls.

I am starting to go to wikis more and more. It started with Minecraft and Team Fortress 2, but now I'm constantly checking them for Demon's and Dark Souls, and when I didn't find a good one for MLB 12 The Show I was disappointed.

I have to agree. I always felt silly talking about "A Song of Ice and Fire" to people. If it wasn't for constantly hearing about the series from reviews for Dragon Age, I would've never read them. (Well, the first two so far. Those books are so freaking long I'll read a few others in-between.) It would've been too bad

I'm a little confused. Can't they just release a statement that says, "We haven't announced an official allotment of how many units we will be making. Any pre-order activities ARE NOT CONDONED by us at this time, and we offer no commitment to fulfill said orders."

I'd love to see Anansi in anything, since reading Anansi Boys. The only time outside of Neil Gaiman's books I've seen Anansi he kinda got an unfair break. They used his stories in Disney's Song of the South. Which they never release in the US because apparently it's racist. (I've seen it and I have noooo idea why it's

lol fair enough. Aside from the game and this incident, I don't know anything about the guy.

I get that he owed that guy an apology because of possible communication difficulties, but that part was between him and that guy. And that guy very graciously accepted an apology. I think everybody flew waaaay off the handle about the rest. From what I understand it was a calm, fun, off-the-cuff environment where he