
I'm hoping for something like the joust mode in Skate or Die. ^_^

Dang, where's that guy from the Phil Fish article a few days ago, who said I was flat out wrong that there were even Japanese devs talking about the stale feeling of the Japanese game industry on the whole, and how they needed a change.

Honestly, I bet the MLB owners wouldn't allow it. They've never historically been very cool with any sort of changes to the game along those lines. I think the last woman to ever play in the MLB was Jackie Mitchell in 1931, wasn't it? *looks into it* Oh wait, Carey Schueler, 1993. Of course, she was the daughter of

I created my own character for them. His name was Juicyfoot. Right now in my imagination he's grown a scraggly beard and lives in a cabin in the Canadian mountains. Soon officials will track him down and tell him they need his skills back. There's a remake, they'll tell him. "I'm retired," he'll say, "My foot just

What would be better would be if they asked you once if you'd like the option to choose when starting Netflix, then bury it in some options if you ever change your mind. All this means for me is yet another button press.

Dammit, your line is WAY better then what I came up with. :-P

The Golgotha shall spite those who spurn his heralds!

Her name is Libby. You can see it on her ear tag. :-P



It's tough. Humans aren't really good with "suffer now to send a message and hopefully be rewarded in the future". Companies have started to figure out that they don't need to be nice and give you free additional content and neat extras to make you a loyal costumer. Hell, now they're locking out completed on-disk

*sigh* Street Fighter X Tekken... I was looking forward to it so much. And I still want it. But that DLC thing really bothers me, along with their explanation why it's cool. Although that part was also hilarious. So I'm torn.

I'm a VI man, myself. Caught me at exactly the right age, and pushed me over the "I like RPGs" cliff that FF IV had brought me to the edge of. Around FF X the direction of the company and how it makes Final Fantasy games really seemed to change... Either that or I got old enough to realize, "No, I'm not too young.

I should've included 'movie previews' up there, too, which don't have credits. And are a lot of the times where you hear those songs.

Oh man. The reason I don't have a Vita yet is I'm finally waiting for a system to have games I want and maybe a price drop, instead of being an early adopter. If that's coming out to America I think the end of my resistance has been foretold.

That was really interesting. I had no idea the lyrics to... well, EITHER of those songs were so dark.

Poor Aussies. "That's not a [daisy]! THIS, is a [daisy]!"

LMAO on that pic. My sides hurt.

This IS good. Maybe I won't have to dance with my soldiers in the next Fable game.

Only three years to go!