
That is cool. I wonder if it'd work with my old-ass original iPod Touch.

Ah, finally. HERE'S the lulz these guys promised last year. LULZ!

Now playing

I think I'm going to post this in the next open thread too since it's a little late in this one's life, but check out this video. It really takes me back. But what's amazing is it's from Inside Edition, and it's a POSITIVE story about video games! With Bill O'Reilly even!

Wait wait back up. We're SURE they weren't German?

I... wut? "No it's better because when we charge you for it it's already there." At LEAST say, like, "we delayed the game after it was completed and it's initial financing was used up, then got more money and made the DLC too. They are two different projects being released on the same disk."

Yeah, the way Ebert phrased it, along with the article here, made it pretty confusing. As for the other guy, I kinda wonder if he didn't have an axe to grind beforehand, and Dark Souls was what he used to grind it with. He obviously had a 'games are a waste of time you should be reading' agenda.

He didn't play it. He was referencing the article he linked to.

He didn't play it. He was referencing the article he linked to.

He didn't play anything. He was referencing the article he linked to.

He didn't play anything. He was referencing the article he linked to.

He didn't play it. He was referencing the article he linked to.

He didn't play it. He was referencing the article he linked to.

I think a lot of you guys are missing something. Ebert didn't play the game. "This critic" is the critic in the article he linked to.

I stole that sucker. It had some great stats if I remember right.

Oh man. This sounds like... a lot of fun. Like, a LOT of fun. I'm excited about this. I wonder if it'll have the newer height restrictions.

But... mah Souls games! I guess maybe this is fate's way of telling me to just play Uncharted 3 already.

One of these days I'm going to hook up my Gamecube for that. Eternal Darkness won't work on my Wii for some reason. :-(

Eliza's really not going to be happy when she sees what actually goes on at these 'tournaments' Ken's been going to. O_O

So. Many. Hammers. AND fireballs?! When they start flying out at you and you know he's close, it really ratchets the tension up.

Contra Hard Corps is a good Contra game. And hard. The two Vectorman games are classics, although I've never really gotten in to them. Comix Zone is awesome, and I like Decap Attack.