
And if she were a man, she’d probably be the media darling and a shoo-in for the race. But America isn’t, like, sexist or anything. Nah.

You think smart = competent? Please rethink this approach to life. There are plenty of smart people who suck ass. Warren is one of those people and is the absolute least likely candidate to actually have a chance of beating trump.

I think Sanders’ true-believer zeal is actually a good matchup against Trump’s authenticity, as he can compete on the battlefield of convincing voters that he cares about what he claims to (something Clinton had trouble with because she was very transparent in just telling audiences what she thought she wanted to

“Is Bernie going to drive up black turnout to levels we need to offset white folks gleefully voting for Trump? Nope. No he is not.”

Black politicians and Black cops keep forgetting they are Blackity-Black before anything else.

Black politicians need to be the most scrupulously honest public servants on Earth but what happens to make them think they can do like white folks?!?!?!? Don’t they realize that white people don’t love them nor want them in power?! Each & every GOOD thing they do will be scrutinized and picked apart and every crime

Very little. But then it does tally up in my experience that anti-semites who believe Michael Jackson is innocent, Bill Cosby is misunderstood, Miley Cyrus is a “whore” and people they disagree with are “Retards” (capitalized for some reason, an odd quirk) are not go-to guys when looking for reason or perspective.

I don’t care right now who it is.. I would vote for Satan himself over Trump. (I think he would be less evil). 

Is it racist if I’m white and get a Black Voices for Trump shirt to wear ironically?

She’s been doing this for years. She’s pathologically belligerent towards mixed-race couples. 

Your virulent bigotry against interracial coupling is one of the most enduring hallmarks of the GMG network. Find peace for yourself. 

Be smarter, folks. He is not talking about European immigrants.

The best part is one of his boys went on and on about how they needed immigration in NYC and N. Jersey because they can’t find cheap labor any more.

Don’t forget while the West celebrates MBS and his “modernizing”, he has imprisoned the very same women activists who fought for the right to drive and other freedoms. Loujan al-Hathloul is still in jail after being KIDNAPPED from the UAE. The Saud family is absolutely evil and corrupt to the marrow. 

“He is a no-nonsense leader who has taken on the country’s toughest fights,”

Amen... amen... a-frickin’-men.

Nah Carson at least his idiocy to fall back on.

So she’s Bloomberg’s Ben Carson then?