
What in the HELL does this have to do with the OP? You are losing it. Face it. Bernie is the likely nominee. Accept it and move on. 

What are you trying to say? His wife is Asian. Does that mean he’s NEVER dated a Black woman, or NEVER loved a Black woman? Help me understand here.

It’s pretty much whatever one wants it to be, LOL

Why don’t you WATCH the movie like a regular person instead of shitting on something you haven’t seen? Fucking idiot.


Just looked it up. Hilariously and sad at the same time.

(much of which this writer proudly owns on vinyl—and yes, that’s a not-so-humble-brag).

Why the rumors about him?  I don’t get it. 

“The 55-year old former crack user added”

Don’t count on it.

Jezebel’s silence hear is deafening.  I wonder what they’re waiting for...

I legit teared up watching this. 2 of my favs in one film. Jackie Chan basically raised me from 8 and Arnold since 16 when I started working our and doing physique contests. I had no pops at home and Harlem was rough at the time. But I lost myself in their films. They helped fill a void.

I had the illest conversation regarding this with my younger brother. He was complaining about D Wade and his daughter Zaya, talking about the feminization of young black boys, given he has a 7 year old son. Then he kept on about an agenda. So I killed him with logic:


Yes, you are correct :P

Well you and I differ wildly, LOL.

Because nobody asked for it”?  I’ve been PRAYING for it since i was 12.

Jon Bruce: “That. Is not. Him.”

Twitter is a mistake. You have black men and women at each others THROATS on there. Hate to see this bullshit.

HBO Black: All Treme and The Wire all the time.