
I'm with Sean, I liked Squirrel Nut Zippers. Zoot Suit Riot was a good album, too. And Ween is the worst.

Mads in the skeleton-prison-thing looked like something out of Hannibal.

It is the same. A 5 year old who can't distinguish pain from other sensations, or tell laughing from screaming, has structural or chemical brain abnormalities that have nothing to do with good or bad parenting.

To be fair, Sherlock Holmes poisoned Watson in the canon stories too.

God, why did they kill off Charles Augustus Magnussen but bring back this prancing metrosexual cartoon character?

He went straight from filming Dr. Strange to Sherlock this time, and didn't have time to lose the usual weight.

Euros was vicious before meeting Moriarty, she drowned Trevor in a well and burned the house down.

Some brains are different, regardless of parenting. This is kind of like saying "why would good parents have a child with a limp?"

There wasn't anything autistic about the original character, in fact he is supposed to be very charming and able to put people at ease.

Sure it's a lot of work, but you can see why it was a much better plan than just telling Mycroft "we know about Eurus. She shot John." Right…?

It's true, they originally wrote a scene with Molly IN the coffin and Sherlock solving a puzzle in time to get her out, but nobody liked it except the writers.

I didn't like badass Mrs. Hudson either.

The "therapist" had a fake Austrian (?) accent though, so she didn't seem English.

I wondered if she is Sherlock's twin, and the scheduled call was an obligatory birthday wish.

But he did spend a night walking around with "Faith."

John sure forgives women for criminal activities easily.

Well, I would think so if she had black curly hair or something, but she doesn't look anything like him.

At first I thought Culverton Smith had killed his daughter, and hired a lookalike to avoid suspicion.

I loved TEH and HLV, other than the endings. Come to think of it, I usually love all of the episodes except the endings.

I'm tired of endless reveals. "This person is EVEN SMARTER than Sherlock!" "Now this other person is EVEN SMARTER than that person!" "No wait, here's another one…"